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Fragmented Future - A Pokemon RP || Chapter 2

Started by Epicness123, Sep 10, 2023, 02:00:44 PM

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Lisa immediately stops, and looks around. Still nothing but darkness...
"Hold that thought," she whispers back to Liaso, before cautiously moving forwards alongside him.
join Fragmented Future to trespass into highly dangerous abandoned scientific research stations


Luke begins to approach, but is pulled back by Lucky. "Your light makes you too difficult to hide." Lucky whispers. Lucky then approaches, their catlike eyes widening in the darkness.

Lizzie, meanwhile, stays back. Closing her eyes, she begins to concentrate on her emotion sense, probing for the emotions of anyone who might be nearby.
My joke RPG: Instructions Unclear: The RPG of Memes
My serious RPG: Stop the Spambots!
My offline life: error 404


Crest was trailing behind.  Of course, she had been trailing behind for a decently long time at this point.

She didn't know why she neglected to voice her concerns for Quincy.  It seemed like he was getting... More brash?  Reckless?  Why was he just... Gone?  She was fetting very worried.
And now she's in a very dark facility with something lurking beneath.

She wasn't exactly concerned of the why and how she was a pokemon.  She just wanted to survive another day, and she really needs to talk to Quincy.


At first, there was nothing. The footsteps and growling fade, leaving nothing but cold silence.

A searing sharp pain strikes Lisa in her jaw, a fist faster than sound sending them back several paces from sheer force. Liaso also quickly finds themself struck, although less severely. The bite marks on their side leave enough of a message.

In the chaos and confusion, the hostile Pokemon makes her way through the shadows, driven by an anger even they don't understand. All they know is they must fight, and become stronger, or the link granting them this power will falter.
Just another internet user and anime transbian catgirl who really likes Touhou Project for some reason. If you were looking for something interesting here, you've come to the wrong place.
My not even remotely popular TBGs: Don't Use Characters in Your Username|TGORADTFYFWBAAASA|Mildly Inconvenient Computer Viruses|Guess what? You lose!|Totally Normal Store|Count Up with Hidden Effects|Tonoight on Bottom G'ear|Luigi Status|Things (The Semi-Official Reboot)|The TBGers Feed Yuyuko
My Super Dead RPGs: The TBGs Gun Game|We Play Cards|N00bs vs Pr0s|The Stupid, Unfair and Boring Game Show Nobody Asked For|Invasion Day

My discord is Incendiary__ and you can join my server at
My Twitch channl is available at


Destroyed Nanotek Labs Facility
Liaso backsteps a couple feet and steels himself. The fresh injury over his ribs pulses in time with his heartbeat.

"It's a battle then!"

Time to act fast. He fires Swift as a counter. The rays zip towards his opponent. They hurt in a way that goes beyond physical.
Yours Truly,


Lucky narrowly jumps out of the way of the surprise attack, letting out a startled "mrowl!" as they do so. Then, thinking for a second, they get an idea. Lucky chuckles, mulling over their Nasty Plot.

"Gah!" Luke runs forward and then begins to breathe a Flamethrower fire at the foe.

Lizzie stares directly at the foe, reading their emotions. "Sorry. We're not your combat experience fodder." she says in a falsely sweet voice. With that, she fires a Psybeam at them.
My joke RPG: Instructions Unclear: The RPG of Memes
My serious RPG: Stop the Spambots!
My offline life: error 404


Lisa staggered back, clutching her jaw where she was hit. GOD, that stings.
She backed up, looking at where this attack came from. She could see another Pokemon down the hall... but it was too dark and chaotic to make out what sort of Pokemon they were.

Whatever they were, though... she was NOT going to let this slide. Steadying herself, and trying to ignore the pain from the hit, she stood ready with her razor-sharp arms.
join Fragmented Future to trespass into highly dangerous abandoned scientific research stations


Destroyed Nanotek Labs Facility
Quincy and Nathan jumped back. "W-what the hell is that thing?!" Nathan shouted. In a panic, he fires off a Psybeam in conjunction with Lizzie towards their foe.

Quincy moves to the back of the room. Whatever they are... I can't run away from them! I need to be strong!
Quincy runs up and fires off a Swift towards the creature's direction.
tbger since 2013


'Not good... we are outnumbered...          target one, and ignore the rest...          send a message...'

The voice lingers within the being's mind. As they quickly rush past the band of Pokemon, they are staggered by Liaso's Swift and Lizzie's Psybeam. It hurts more than it probably should, but they keep running. The other attacks sadly find no target or barely graze by, as they're simply too quick and it's much too dark.

'We must become strong...                no matter the cost...'

The sound of footsteps returns, this time faster... louder... they're coming.

Without hesitation, the vicious enemy Pokemon attacks, unleashing an Aerial Ace on Lizzie.

'Very good, vessel...            Before long, you'll be able to take on a whole army without breaking a sweat...'
Just another internet user and anime transbian catgirl who really likes Touhou Project for some reason. If you were looking for something interesting here, you've come to the wrong place.
My not even remotely popular TBGs: Don't Use Characters in Your Username|TGORADTFYFWBAAASA|Mildly Inconvenient Computer Viruses|Guess what? You lose!|Totally Normal Store|Count Up with Hidden Effects|Tonoight on Bottom G'ear|Luigi Status|Things (The Semi-Official Reboot)|The TBGers Feed Yuyuko
My Super Dead RPGs: The TBGs Gun Game|We Play Cards|N00bs vs Pr0s|The Stupid, Unfair and Boring Game Show Nobody Asked For|Invasion Day

My discord is Incendiary__ and you can join my server at
My Twitch channl is available at


The light of Luke's flamethrower illuminated the room just enough to see more clearly where everyone was. Lisa caught sight of this other Pokemon, baring down on Lizzie. They looked humanoid... but still hard to tell exactly what they were.
Without hesitation, she raced forwards, and slashed at them with blade-like leaves.
join Fragmented Future to trespass into highly dangerous abandoned scientific research stations


Destroyed Nanotek Labs Facility
The silhouette of that which was once Athena looms over Liaso against a backdrop of fire. He watches it move, but it's fiercely mobile, almost untrackable. It's formidable, he'll say so to anyone who asks. He flinches.
Yours Truly,


Crest yelped as the strange beast suddenly slashed at Lisa.  She then noticed as they prepared an Aerial Ace at Lizzie and swiftly tackled her out of the way of the blast, wincing as the blades grazed her.  She nodded at Lizzie briefly before running towards them, sparks flying, and attempted to Volt-Tackle her.


Nathan prepares to fire another Psybeam at Athena. Quincy sees this, and gives Nathan a helping hand.
Nathan then fires off the psybeam.
tbger since 2013