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We Play Cards (Status: Passive phase)

Started by Incendiary, Jul 05, 2021, 02:37:25 PM

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While searching through past games I found a couple card-based war simulators.
You can guess what I did with it.

We Play Cards
It's scuffed because it involves RNG

Each player has a hand of cards that they can play to gain an advantage, such as building walls, sending out troops or adding more income. To draw a new card, simply ask to draw at any time during a turn. Some cards cost cash to use and others are temporary. These four card groups include:

Attack cards deploy units or launch certain weaponry at enemies. Each unit or weapon can only attack 1 target at a time, once per turn unless it specifies otherwise. Units include soldiers, tanks, turrets and other mobile machines.

Build cards construct stationary structures such as towers, barracks, housing and walls. This also includes building facilities necessary to deploy various types of cards, for example a firearms lab to allow soldiers to use firearms. Build cards also require land space, which isn't too hard to obtain, but can be an issue if not taken into account.

Special cards provide advantages to you, such as increasing your hand capacity, increasing income or a temporary attack boost. These cards usually cost nothing to deploy but some are temporary and may even take up 2 slots in your hand.

Create a laser beam that destroys your enemy's defences, form a random crater, trick your enemy into thinking it's SCP-001 when day breaks or even end your game. Wildcards do weird and sometimes useless things for the purpose of keeping gameplay interesting. They can construct temporary but powerful weapons, cause unusual anomalies, surrender, possibly nothing at all. There's also the chance card. Nobody knows what it does.

How to play a turn:
Players play their turn in 3 stages: Build, Bonus, Attack.

The build stage is for using your build cards. Construct while you can and play all your build cards, or save some cards for later.
The bonus stage is for using special cards. These come after build cards, so you can't apply these bonuses to your build stage. This is also where cash is collected: consider your funds before you build, because you won't be paid until that wall is up.
The attack stage is where you can finally launch your fleet of goons armed with sticks. You can also play your Wildcard class cards, but only 1 per turn regardless of your maximum card deploys per turn stage.

Don't worry, you don't have to play all 3 stages. Playing a build and a bonus card without an attack card is okay. Mind you, attack cards already in play will continue to attack the assigned target unless you change them, which can be done once per turn. You can pull your cards out of combat if you wish.

Game rules:
- Default hand capacity is 5, maximum card draw and deploy per turn stage is 1. You can increase this with special cards.
- Base units cap is 10, this can be increased with (rare) special cards. Units have 2 states: Deployed to Combat and Reserved. Units cannot be attacked while in Reserve unless you have no walls. Units in combat will be open to attack, but can be called back into reserve at any time.
- Base building cap is 6, this can be increased with special cards. Max walls are dependant on building cap - if the building cap is 6, wall cap is 10. Think of it as a rectangle of 2x3, 2x4 etc and the edges are wall slots. Wall cap is displayed alongside building cap.
- Your cards will be given to you via Discord in private messages. Do not share this with others. If you do not have a Discord account, consider making and verifying it. If you are not at least 13 years of age, let me know, and I can arrange a PrivNote. Do not make a discord account if you are not of age! It is against TOS to make an account if you are under the age of 13.
- If you are unsure of something, let me know.
- Do not attempt to derail gameplay, argue, launch a literal nuclear attack, create a flame war or exploit other people or their cards, unless they made a legal move you can take advantage of (legally)

To signup, say you want to signup. You will be applied below.
There is a maximum of 5 people at a time. The waitlist is always an option. If you are added late in the game, you will be given a "passive play" opportunity and you can get up to speed with others. You cannot be attacked in passive mode, but you also cannot attack others. You can leave passive mode at any time after clearance is given.
Also, you cannot enter passive mode once you leave.

Realicraft (50/50HP)
\\/\/ (50/50HP)
Gilbert_given_tbg (50/50HP)
Luigis_Pizza (50/50HP)
Byron_Inc_TBG (50/50HP)
Just another internet user and anime transbian catgirl who really likes Touhou Project for some reason. If you were looking for something interesting here, you've come to the wrong place.
My not even remotely popular TBGs: Don't Use Characters in Your Username|TGORADTFYFWBAAASA|Mildly Inconvenient Computer Viruses|Increasing Loss Criteria|Totally Normal Store|Count Up with Hidden Effects|Tonoight on Bottom G'ear|Luigi Status|Things (The Semi-Official Reboot)|The TBGers Feed Yuyuko
My Super Dead RPGs: The TBGs Gun Game|We Play Cards|N00bs vs Pr0s|The Stupid, Unfair and Boring Game Show Nobody Asked For|Invasion Day

My discord is Incendiary__ and you can join my server at
My Twitch channl is available at


Just another internet user and anime transbian catgirl who really likes Touhou Project for some reason. If you were looking for something interesting here, you've come to the wrong place.
My not even remotely popular TBGs: Don't Use Characters in Your Username|TGORADTFYFWBAAASA|Mildly Inconvenient Computer Viruses|Increasing Loss Criteria|Totally Normal Store|Count Up with Hidden Effects|Tonoight on Bottom G'ear|Luigi Status|Things (The Semi-Official Reboot)|The TBGers Feed Yuyuko
My Super Dead RPGs: The TBGs Gun Game|We Play Cards|N00bs vs Pr0s|The Stupid, Unfair and Boring Game Show Nobody Asked For|Invasion Day

My discord is Incendiary__ and you can join my server at
My Twitch channl is available at


Just another internet user and anime transbian catgirl who really likes Touhou Project for some reason. If you were looking for something interesting here, you've come to the wrong place.
My not even remotely popular TBGs: Don't Use Characters in Your Username|TGORADTFYFWBAAASA|Mildly Inconvenient Computer Viruses|Increasing Loss Criteria|Totally Normal Store|Count Up with Hidden Effects|Tonoight on Bottom G'ear|Luigi Status|Things (The Semi-Official Reboot)|The TBGers Feed Yuyuko
My Super Dead RPGs: The TBGs Gun Game|We Play Cards|N00bs vs Pr0s|The Stupid, Unfair and Boring Game Show Nobody Asked For|Invasion Day

My discord is Incendiary__ and you can join my server at
My Twitch channl is available at


fun fact: you can have infinite lines in your signature by using hr
sign this petition
ewow status: 4a has released yet; voting ends on June 22nd, at 11:59 PM PDT
videos | FS3 | FS3 Wiki | Ratings | Calendar | Universe Manager 2 | Sandbox | Mysterious Other TBG Forums
65536 progress: ~13.08% @ 97d (0y 3m 5d) [03/18/2024] {8572/65536}



Just another internet user and anime transbian catgirl who really likes Touhou Project for some reason. If you were looking for something interesting here, you've come to the wrong place.
My not even remotely popular TBGs: Don't Use Characters in Your Username|TGORADTFYFWBAAASA|Mildly Inconvenient Computer Viruses|Increasing Loss Criteria|Totally Normal Store|Count Up with Hidden Effects|Tonoight on Bottom G'ear|Luigi Status|Things (The Semi-Official Reboot)|The TBGers Feed Yuyuko
My Super Dead RPGs: The TBGs Gun Game|We Play Cards|N00bs vs Pr0s|The Stupid, Unfair and Boring Game Show Nobody Asked For|Invasion Day

My discord is Incendiary__ and you can join my server at
My Twitch channl is available at


Just another internet user and anime transbian catgirl who really likes Touhou Project for some reason. If you were looking for something interesting here, you've come to the wrong place.
My not even remotely popular TBGs: Don't Use Characters in Your Username|TGORADTFYFWBAAASA|Mildly Inconvenient Computer Viruses|Increasing Loss Criteria|Totally Normal Store|Count Up with Hidden Effects|Tonoight on Bottom G'ear|Luigi Status|Things (The Semi-Official Reboot)|The TBGers Feed Yuyuko
My Super Dead RPGs: The TBGs Gun Game|We Play Cards|N00bs vs Pr0s|The Stupid, Unfair and Boring Game Show Nobody Asked For|Invasion Day

My discord is Incendiary__ and you can join my server at
My Twitch channl is available at


Just another internet user and anime transbian catgirl who really likes Touhou Project for some reason. If you were looking for something interesting here, you've come to the wrong place.
My not even remotely popular TBGs: Don't Use Characters in Your Username|TGORADTFYFWBAAASA|Mildly Inconvenient Computer Viruses|Increasing Loss Criteria|Totally Normal Store|Count Up with Hidden Effects|Tonoight on Bottom G'ear|Luigi Status|Things (The Semi-Official Reboot)|The TBGers Feed Yuyuko
My Super Dead RPGs: The TBGs Gun Game|We Play Cards|N00bs vs Pr0s|The Stupid, Unfair and Boring Game Show Nobody Asked For|Invasion Day

My discord is Incendiary__ and you can join my server at
My Twitch channl is available at


Just another internet user and anime transbian catgirl who really likes Touhou Project for some reason. If you were looking for something interesting here, you've come to the wrong place.
My not even remotely popular TBGs: Don't Use Characters in Your Username|TGORADTFYFWBAAASA|Mildly Inconvenient Computer Viruses|Increasing Loss Criteria|Totally Normal Store|Count Up with Hidden Effects|Tonoight on Bottom G'ear|Luigi Status|Things (The Semi-Official Reboot)|The TBGers Feed Yuyuko
My Super Dead RPGs: The TBGs Gun Game|We Play Cards|N00bs vs Pr0s|The Stupid, Unfair and Boring Game Show Nobody Asked For|Invasion Day

My discord is Incendiary__ and you can join my server at
My Twitch channl is available at


Just another internet user and anime transbian catgirl who really likes Touhou Project for some reason. If you were looking for something interesting here, you've come to the wrong place.
My not even remotely popular TBGs: Don't Use Characters in Your Username|TGORADTFYFWBAAASA|Mildly Inconvenient Computer Viruses|Increasing Loss Criteria|Totally Normal Store|Count Up with Hidden Effects|Tonoight on Bottom G'ear|Luigi Status|Things (The Semi-Official Reboot)|The TBGers Feed Yuyuko
My Super Dead RPGs: The TBGs Gun Game|We Play Cards|N00bs vs Pr0s|The Stupid, Unfair and Boring Game Show Nobody Asked For|Invasion Day

My discord is Incendiary__ and you can join my server at
My Twitch channl is available at


Yours Truly,


Quote from: gilbert_given_TBGcomplicated
That's the idea.
Just another internet user and anime transbian catgirl who really likes Touhou Project for some reason. If you were looking for something interesting here, you've come to the wrong place.
My not even remotely popular TBGs: Don't Use Characters in Your Username|TGORADTFYFWBAAASA|Mildly Inconvenient Computer Viruses|Increasing Loss Criteria|Totally Normal Store|Count Up with Hidden Effects|Tonoight on Bottom G'ear|Luigi Status|Things (The Semi-Official Reboot)|The TBGers Feed Yuyuko
My Super Dead RPGs: The TBGs Gun Game|We Play Cards|N00bs vs Pr0s|The Stupid, Unfair and Boring Game Show Nobody Asked For|Invasion Day

My discord is Incendiary__ and you can join my server at
My Twitch channl is available at


Quote from: cavernurok *joins*
Please provide your discord name + discriminator so I can send cards privately, unless you're under 13 in which case I can organise a privnote.
Just another internet user and anime transbian catgirl who really likes Touhou Project for some reason. If you were looking for something interesting here, you've come to the wrong place.
My not even remotely popular TBGs: Don't Use Characters in Your Username|TGORADTFYFWBAAASA|Mildly Inconvenient Computer Viruses|Increasing Loss Criteria|Totally Normal Store|Count Up with Hidden Effects|Tonoight on Bottom G'ear|Luigi Status|Things (The Semi-Official Reboot)|The TBGers Feed Yuyuko
My Super Dead RPGs: The TBGs Gun Game|We Play Cards|N00bs vs Pr0s|The Stupid, Unfair and Boring Game Show Nobody Asked For|Invasion Day

My discord is Incendiary__ and you can join my server at
My Twitch channl is available at


There is still room for 1 more, still waiting for cavernur to either post their discord or tell me they can't use discord
Just another internet user and anime transbian catgirl who really likes Touhou Project for some reason. If you were looking for something interesting here, you've come to the wrong place.
My not even remotely popular TBGs: Don't Use Characters in Your Username|TGORADTFYFWBAAASA|Mildly Inconvenient Computer Viruses|Increasing Loss Criteria|Totally Normal Store|Count Up with Hidden Effects|Tonoight on Bottom G'ear|Luigi Status|Things (The Semi-Official Reboot)|The TBGers Feed Yuyuko
My Super Dead RPGs: The TBGs Gun Game|We Play Cards|N00bs vs Pr0s|The Stupid, Unfair and Boring Game Show Nobody Asked For|Invasion Day

My discord is Incendiary__ and you can join my server at
My Twitch channl is available at



Game is now in the final preparation phase. Card documentation is being set up and will be added soon. Once it is finished, players will be contacted with their card lists.

Update: documentation is up but players will receive cards tomorrow.
Just another internet user and anime transbian catgirl who really likes Touhou Project for some reason. If you were looking for something interesting here, you've come to the wrong place.
My not even remotely popular TBGs: Don't Use Characters in Your Username|TGORADTFYFWBAAASA|Mildly Inconvenient Computer Viruses|Increasing Loss Criteria|Totally Normal Store|Count Up with Hidden Effects|Tonoight on Bottom G'ear|Luigi Status|Things (The Semi-Official Reboot)|The TBGers Feed Yuyuko
My Super Dead RPGs: The TBGs Gun Game|We Play Cards|N00bs vs Pr0s|The Stupid, Unfair and Boring Game Show Nobody Asked For|Invasion Day

My discord is Incendiary__ and you can join my server at
My Twitch channl is available at


Cards have been distributed and gameplay will now commence. 10 turns of passive play have been allocated. Game will now begin. You can remotely deploy cards through DMs or publicly post them here, it doesn't really matter anyway.
Just another internet user and anime transbian catgirl who really likes Touhou Project for some reason. If you were looking for something interesting here, you've come to the wrong place.
My not even remotely popular TBGs: Don't Use Characters in Your Username|TGORADTFYFWBAAASA|Mildly Inconvenient Computer Viruses|Increasing Loss Criteria|Totally Normal Store|Count Up with Hidden Effects|Tonoight on Bottom G'ear|Luigi Status|Things (The Semi-Official Reboot)|The TBGers Feed Yuyuko
My Super Dead RPGs: The TBGs Gun Game|We Play Cards|N00bs vs Pr0s|The Stupid, Unfair and Boring Game Show Nobody Asked For|Invasion Day

My discord is Incendiary__ and you can join my server at
My Twitch channl is available at


Quote from: gilbert_given_TBG@realicraft goes first?
Post in any order, it doesn't really matter. One action per turn, however.
Just another internet user and anime transbian catgirl who really likes Touhou Project for some reason. If you were looking for something interesting here, you've come to the wrong place.
My not even remotely popular TBGs: Don't Use Characters in Your Username|TGORADTFYFWBAAASA|Mildly Inconvenient Computer Viruses|Increasing Loss Criteria|Totally Normal Store|Count Up with Hidden Effects|Tonoight on Bottom G'ear|Luigi Status|Things (The Semi-Official Reboot)|The TBGers Feed Yuyuko
My Super Dead RPGs: The TBGs Gun Game|We Play Cards|N00bs vs Pr0s|The Stupid, Unfair and Boring Game Show Nobody Asked For|Invasion Day

My discord is Incendiary__ and you can join my server at
My Twitch channl is available at



I'll play Build Basic Stone Tower.
Also, is there a specific reason the google doc is set to "Suggesting"?
fun fact: you can have infinite lines in your signature by using hr
sign this petition
ewow status: 4a has released yet; voting ends on June 22nd, at 11:59 PM PDT
videos | FS3 | FS3 Wiki | Ratings | Calendar | Universe Manager 2 | Sandbox | Mysterious Other TBG Forums
65536 progress: ~13.08% @ 97d (0y 3m 5d) [03/18/2024] {8572/65536}



i wonder if signups are still open, if yes, this is a signup from me
also how do players know how much gold they have


Quote from: realicraftI'll play Build Basic Stone Tower.
Also, is there a specific reason the google doc is set to "Suggesting"?
You need more gold to play this card.
Also, not sure you'd like having an important document deleted.
Quote from: Byron_Inc_TBGi wonder if signups are still open, if yes, this is a signup from me
also how do players know how much gold they have
Gold will be given to players each turn and they will be given updates on their gold count.
Just another internet user and anime transbian catgirl who really likes Touhou Project for some reason. If you were looking for something interesting here, you've come to the wrong place.
My not even remotely popular TBGs: Don't Use Characters in Your Username|TGORADTFYFWBAAASA|Mildly Inconvenient Computer Viruses|Increasing Loss Criteria|Totally Normal Store|Count Up with Hidden Effects|Tonoight on Bottom G'ear|Luigi Status|Things (The Semi-Official Reboot)|The TBGers Feed Yuyuko
My Super Dead RPGs: The TBGs Gun Game|We Play Cards|N00bs vs Pr0s|The Stupid, Unfair and Boring Game Show Nobody Asked For|Invasion Day

My discord is Incendiary__ and you can join my server at
My Twitch channl is available at