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N00bs vs Pr0s - Defenders of TBG Castle

Started by Incendiary, Jan 16, 2022, 01:30:54 AM

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We have RNG, we have garbage loot, we have good loot, we have god-tier loot, and we have N00bs.

Lots of them.

N00bMast3r has called upon the N00bs to destroy the TBG Castle and the TBGers inhabiting it. Fear not, for the Pr0s of the TBGs kingdom will rise up to defend against these menaces. They're certainly more capable of handling the situation than regular TBGers, at least in theory.

- Obvious no-god character, no OP, no instakill, basic rules.
- Hate the Pr0, not the TBGer
- Create your own l00t in the discord
- You can choose your own starting weapon, but please make it balanced. Additionally, it's highly recommended you add a tool and at least 1 consumable to your inventory. They will be extremely necessary later on.
- Don't forget the codeword

Summon your Pr0:
Pr0 name:
Description (gender, age, looks, personality, backstory, etc):
Starting weapon:
Tools (0/3):
Consumables (0/4):
Other (0/6):
Active perk:
Super charge:


Weapons have 4 classes: melee, ranged, magic and summon (hEy YoU sToLe ThAt FrOm TeRrArIa)

Melee weapons are swords, spears, boomerangs, axes, flails, yo-yos (yes we have those).
Ranged weapons are bows, guns and launchers. Most of these do not require ammo, but special munitions will give an edge to any ranged weapon.
Magic weapons are mana-consuming staffs, tomes, orbs and other non-conventional weapons.
Summon weapons will summon minions to fight for you but these CAN be KOed and will take 3 turns to regen.


Characters have 4 classes: Combat, Tank, Medic and Engineer.

Combat characters are adept at fighting. Their abilities are focused on offence and outputting as much damage as possible.
Passive perk: +2 on attack rolls, eliminating enemies has a 30% chance to restore 20% health.

Active ability: Slam Dash (Attack an enemy with 100% accuracy. Capable of chaining damage to enemies and grants +20% damage to all allies for 1 turn)
Active ability: Rage Fuel (All allies gain +10% damage for 3 turns. The lower an ally's HP, the more damage they do. Attacks have a chance to chain to 1 enemy)
Active ability: Shatter Cannon (Equip a launcher that fires frag grenades. Projectiles explode into shrapnel on impact. Can penetrate soft cover at short distances. 50*(level*1.5) max damage at 3 metres, 1 round per turn, 5% crit chance, 6 round capacity)
Super Charge: Phase Beams (Fires up to 6 penetrating beams that deal extremely high damage)
Super Charge: Death Dodge (For 4 turns, attacks are highly likely to be avoided, and are reflected back to the attacker for double damage. Small chance to be chained to other enemies)

Tanks are defence focused and have protection related abilities. Shielding the team from danger is their goal.

Passive perk: +1 on defence rolls, +50*(1.2*level)HP

Active ability: Steel Barrier (a shield with 200HP, blocks most attacks and absorbs damage from explosives and piercing attacks. Shields up to 3 allies)
Active ability: Reinforced Aluminum Guards (3 deployable single-person covers with 90HP each. Can be moved around by allies. Blocks most soft to medium attacks and absorbs some damage from piercing and explosive attacks)
Super Charge: Sentinel Shield (An energy-charged shield that blocks and absorbs most attacks. Can attack for huge damage or be thrown to chain repeated attacks before returning to the thrower.
Super Charge: Reactive Barricade (250HP shield that reflects up to 32 attacks back at enemies. Recharges 4 reactive panels every 2 turns)

Ah, the good old Medic, healer and surprisingly mobile combatant. They aim to keep injured Pr0s alive while still playing their part in defeating N00bs
Passive perk: +20 HP, +1 AC and faster regen.

Active ability: Injection (Heal an ally for 30% HP and regenerate an additional 10% the next turn)
Active ability:Splash Pool (Creates a regen pool that heals 15% HP every turn for teammates standing in it. Up to 4 teammates at once, 4 turn duration. Regens every 8 turns)
Active ability: Adrenaline Surge (Boosts all player's HP by 15%/10%/5% for 3 turns. Increases movement speed, adds 1 to defence rolls and negates certain debuffs)
Super Charge: Vampire MG (a machine gun with a 200 round capacity. Damage scales with team level. Each hit heals the entire team for 1% HP)

Finally, the humble (not really anymore) Engineer. They can build many things ranging from walls to bridges, to towers and auto turrets and everything in between.
Passive perk: +1 on defence rolls, +1 AC, +20HP, materials are more effective.

Active ability: Joe's Barricade (Who's Joe? He made this Barricade with 180 HP and protection against pretty much anything you throw at it for up to 2 Pr0s. Also features handy cross holes for shooting through)
Active ability: Ballista Thingy (A manually controlled launcher that fires Ballista bolts. 120 HP but can be rendered unusable beforehand)
Active ability: Shock Charge (Fire a launcher that deploys a powerful shock device, capable of electrocuting up to 5 enemies or pieces of equipment)
Active ability: Projected Shields (3 deployable single person covers with 75HP each. Has a chance to reflect attacks. Blocks most attacks and reduces damage from explosive or piercing attacks. Can be reactivated and moved around by allies)
Super Charge: I like TRAINS (launches a giant high-velocity train at enemies. Tha-that's it. Literally just a giant train. Go use that information somewhere)
Super Charge: Overclocked (boosts a player's damage by 20%, damage roll by 1 and defence roll by 2 at the cost of 20% HP (regenerates once Overclock is over))

Active abilities are chosen on creation and benefit the whole team (usually). They are recharged every 5 turns unless stated otherwise. They can be swapped out at any time provided the augment is in your inventory.

Super charges can also be swapped, but only if you are at the TBGer Fortress. They are charged by dealing damage and are extremely powerful. Some grant team-wide abilities.

Now for some extra stoof:

Team level determines whether or not you can use that fancy new weapon or can't use it until you have a high enough level. This also determines the power of certain abilities, enemy difficulty and how much money you get. Yes, we have money.
Currency is used to buy many things. Weapons, armour, currency exchange, materials, consumables and more. There is the Team Bank and the Pr0 Bank, the former of which is used by the whole team and should be spent wisely, while the Pr0 bank is for each individual.
HP, AC and Vitality are the prominent stats. AC determines how well you dodge or block attacks. HP determines how long you have left until you are out of the fight should you get hit. Vitality is how well your body is fairing considering it may or may not have been affected negatively. For example, if your dominant arm is shot with an arrow, or hit with a sword, attacks will be less effective depending on the severity of the injury. You can heal these wounds, restoring HP and negating vitality damage.
Arm vitality damage reduces attack and block power.
Leg vitality damage reduces mobility and dodge power.
Chest vitality damage reduces attack, defence, mobility and mana.
Head vitality damage reduces mana, dodge and attack power. Often fatal if untreated.
Removing anything embedded in the wound, stitching and using bandages or consuming healing potions are most effective at healing wounds and vitality damage.
Vehicles are great for getting around. Too bad they're rare, require fuel and generally break down easy due to lack of maintenance. The TBGers have vehicles in the city but there's a lack of roads outside the region and off-road capable machines are hard to come by.
KOs and death, it happens to us all. When your character ends up at 0HP or is hit by a knockout-inducing attack(such as a heavy blow to the head or body), they are out of the fight. Most of the time. If you are knocked out but still have HP, you will come back into the fight after a certain number of turns. Usually, this is 2-3, but can be longer. If you run out of HP, you can be revived by a Medic, consume a revive orb (if you have one), or, if it's a boss fight, have your team beat the boss within 7 turns. If you are not revived within 7 turns with any of these methods, it's game over for you.

And that's all for now. TBGer Fortress 1 needs you.
Just another internet user and anime transbian catgirl who really likes Touhou Project for some reason. If you were looking for something interesting here, you've come to the wrong place.
My not even remotely popular TBGs: Don't Use Characters in Your Username|TGORADTFYFWBAAASA|Mildly Inconvenient Computer Viruses|Increasing Loss Criteria|Totally Normal Store|Count Up with Hidden Effects|Tonoight on Bottom G'ear|Luigi Status|Things (The Semi-Official Reboot)|The TBGers Feed Yuyuko
My Super Dead RPGs: The TBGs Gun Game|We Play Cards|N00bs vs Pr0s|The Stupid, Unfair and Boring Game Show Nobody Asked For|Invasion Day

My discord is Incendiary__ and you can join my server at
My Twitch channl is available at


The codeword is "beans" but you need to hide it in a sentence.

Username: \\/\/
Pr0 name: 5\\/\/337
Description (gender, age, looks, age, backstory, etc): A fleshy humanoid construct created by \\/\/, tbger incarnation of the TBG Castle. Its purpose in life is to kill, but \\/\/ encouraged it to try and find more personality traits. Currently it is trying out a fascination with nice outerwear.
Weapon: Anti-Chungus Slasher (Melee, Kinetic, 44 damage, 10% crit chance, 4 attacks per turn, deals double damage to enemies with more HP than the user)
Armour: Trenchcoat (+1 AC)
Tools (3/3):
Running boots (+1 dodge, increased mobility)
Crowbar (Tool, 10 damage)
Tinderbox (Tool, starts fires)
Consumables (1/4):
4 Regeneration potions (Heals 40HP instantly and 40 more HP over 2 turns, max stack of 8)
Other (2/6):
Shortblade (Melee, kinetic, 20 damage, 5% crit chance, 5 attacks per turn)
N-Bot Combat Blade (melee, kinetic, 35 damage, 4 attacks per turn, 10% crit chance)
Class: Combat
Active perk: Slam Dash
Super charge: Phase Beams
+1 mobility (Slightly buffed mobility)

Username: Joyous Theta
Pr0 name: Scrap
Description (gender, age, looks, age, backstory, etc): She/her, a humanoid robot made out of scrap metal before the war against the n00bs with a heavy sense of curiosity. She is incapable of speech, however.
Weapon: Orichalcum Returning Knives (6) (Melee, Kinetic, 22 damage, 10% crit chance, 6 attacks per turn, multiple attack styles)
Armour: Leather clothing (+1 AC)
Tools (3/3):
Screwdriver (Repair tool)
Hammer (Repair tool)
Lighter (Tool, starts fires)
Consumables (1/4):
3 cans of Oil (Heals 60HP, visual change from Healing Potions, max stack of 10)
Other (6/6):
Plastic bag (Storage)
8 Unknown alloy
12 High-Tech scraps
1 Energy Core (unknown source/materials)
1 CLPS-40 (ranged, energy, 25 damage, 5 attacks per turn, 5% crit chance)
Circuited Falconry Glove; Summons Tinny, a robotic bird-drone that attacks using razor-sharp wings and claws. It is capable of carrying heavy loads and can be used for scouting. (Summon, 30 dmg, 5% crit chance, 3 attacks per turn)
Class: Engineer
Active perk: Ballista Thingy
Super charge: I like TRAINS
Standard mobility

Username: Byron_Inc_TBG
Pr0 name: Gray
Description: Grayson is a 5'4" humanoid (is a robot though) that looks like a 13-year-old [age] boy [gender] (refer to the image below [looks]). This robot had always been trained in Byron_Inc_TBG's office, and thus do not have much experience with the outside world.
Weapon: Carbon EGSS-12 (Ranged, Kinetic, Electric, 25 damage, 10% crit chance, 5 attacks per turn, compatible with 12 gauge variants)
Armour: Helmet (+1AC)
Tools (2/3):
- A pair of shears (cuts plants and cloth)
- Stone axe (20 dmg, can break wood and plants easily)
Consumables (2/4):
- 2 Pieces of metal (Heals 60HP, visual change from healing potions, max stack of 10)
- 2 Cooked chicken pieces (Heals 35 HP and adds +2 to rolls for 4 turns, max stack of 8)
Other (2/6): Laptop (For recording and coding things. Not needed to use Encoding.), Encoding, summons a smaller close of Gray (Summon, 35 dmg, 5% crit chance, 3 attacks per turn)
Class: Tank
Active perk: Steel Barrier
Super charge: Sentinal Shield

Pr0 name: Jotaro Kujo
Description (gender, age, looks, personality, backstory, etc):Jotaro from jojo
Weapons: Star Platinum (I have no idea what this does so I'll call this a summon weapon. 45 dmg, 10% crit chance, 4 attacks per turn), Demonslayer Blade (Melee, Kinetic, Demonic, 36 damage, 15% crit chance, 5 attacks per turn, can launch purple serpents as a ranged attack)
Armour: Plot Armour (+2 AC, +10HP)
Tools (3/3): sick Hat, Jacket, Jeans (no clue)
Consumables (4/4):
Fries (+30HP, somehow regens every 4 turns)
Burger (+40HP, somehow regens every 5 turns)
Butterscotch cinnamon pie (+50HP and heals 1 random teammate for +15HP, somehow regens every 6 turns)
Face Steak (+30HP and +1 attack rolls, somehow regens every 5 turns)
Other (5/6): 2 belts, green shirt, shoes, Joseph Joestar and Jolyne Cujoh (idk didn't watch far enough into the series)
Class: Combat
Active perk: Rage Fuel
Super charge:Phase Beams
Extra: DIO!!!!!

Username: Orb Fish
Pr0 name: Winifred
Description (gender, age, looks, personality, backstory, etc): A member of Pablo's unnamed species. Mostly blue, with a 2015-green underbelly.
Weapon: Ultra Bean Machine (Ranged, Kinetic, Beans, 12 damage, 15% crit chance, 12 attacks per turn, fires explosive projectiles)
Armour: None
Tools (0/3):
Consumables (2/4):
Giga Crescents (increases size of ranged attacks, boosting their damage & accuracy for 3 turns, then regens after 4 turns)
Magic Bomb (explosive ranged projectile, 60 dmg, regens after 2 turns)
+1 canned beans (+20% HP) (hey wait they did have beans)
+1 Spiced ham (+25% HP)
Other (2/6): +1 spaghet ration pack (+40% HP, requires boiling water), Green Sword (Melee, kinetic, 25 dmg, 4 uses per turn)
Class: Combat
Active perk: Slam Dash
Super charge: Phase Beams

Empty for now rip
Just another internet user and anime transbian catgirl who really likes Touhou Project for some reason. If you were looking for something interesting here, you've come to the wrong place.
My not even remotely popular TBGs: Don't Use Characters in Your Username|TGORADTFYFWBAAASA|Mildly Inconvenient Computer Viruses|Increasing Loss Criteria|Totally Normal Store|Count Up with Hidden Effects|Tonoight on Bottom G'ear|Luigi Status|Things (The Semi-Official Reboot)|The TBGers Feed Yuyuko
My Super Dead RPGs: The TBGs Gun Game|We Play Cards|N00bs vs Pr0s|The Stupid, Unfair and Boring Game Show Nobody Asked For|Invasion Day

My discord is Incendiary__ and you can join my server at
My Twitch channl is available at

Joyous Theta

I'm confused, there seems to be an implication that you can choose from more than one super charge yet there seems to be only one super charge per class? Can you choose super charges from other classes?


Quote from: Joyous ThetaI'm confused, there seems to be an implication that you can choose from more than one super charge yet there seems to be only one super charge per class? Can you choose super charges from other classes?
pretty sure the only part of the class you have an option with is the active ability

(Btw the correct gamer terminology for Combat, Tank, Medic, Engineer is DPS,Tank, Healer, Caster)
Yours Truly,


Quote from: Joyous ThetaI'm confused, there seems to be an implication that you can choose from more than one super charge yet there seems to be only one super charge per class? Can you choose super charges from other classes?
You cannot choose super charges from other classes. They are restricted to that one class.
Just another internet user and anime transbian catgirl who really likes Touhou Project for some reason. If you were looking for something interesting here, you've come to the wrong place.
My not even remotely popular TBGs: Don't Use Characters in Your Username|TGORADTFYFWBAAASA|Mildly Inconvenient Computer Viruses|Increasing Loss Criteria|Totally Normal Store|Count Up with Hidden Effects|Tonoight on Bottom G'ear|Luigi Status|Things (The Semi-Official Reboot)|The TBGers Feed Yuyuko
My Super Dead RPGs: The TBGs Gun Game|We Play Cards|N00bs vs Pr0s|The Stupid, Unfair and Boring Game Show Nobody Asked For|Invasion Day

My discord is Incendiary__ and you can join my server at
My Twitch channl is available at

Joyous Theta

Can you make your own super charges then?


Quote from: Joyous ThetaCan you make your own super charges then?
You can suggest them on the TBGs discord by pinging me and I'll decide whether or not to add it.
Just another internet user and anime transbian catgirl who really likes Touhou Project for some reason. If you were looking for something interesting here, you've come to the wrong place.
My not even remotely popular TBGs: Don't Use Characters in Your Username|TGORADTFYFWBAAASA|Mildly Inconvenient Computer Viruses|Increasing Loss Criteria|Totally Normal Store|Count Up with Hidden Effects|Tonoight on Bottom G'ear|Luigi Status|Things (The Semi-Official Reboot)|The TBGers Feed Yuyuko
My Super Dead RPGs: The TBGs Gun Game|We Play Cards|N00bs vs Pr0s|The Stupid, Unfair and Boring Game Show Nobody Asked For|Invasion Day

My discord is Incendiary__ and you can join my server at
My Twitch channl is available at


Username: \\/\/
Pr0 name: 5\\/\/337
Description (gender, age, looks, age, backstory, etc): A fleshy humanoid construct created by \\/\/, tbger incarnation of the TBG Castle. Its purpose in life is to kill, but \\/\/ encouraged it to try and find more personality traits. Currently it is trying out a fascination with nice outerwear.
Starting weapon: Shortblade
Armour: Trenchcoat
Tools (0/3): None I guess? Do I put something in these three?
Consumables (0/4):
Other (0/6):
Class: Combat
Active perk: Slam Dash
Super charge: Phase Beams
Yours Truly,

Joyous Theta

Username: Joyous Theta
Pr0 name: Scrap
Description (gender, age, looks, age, backstory, etc): She/her, a humanoid robot made out of scrap metal before the war against the n00bs with a heavy sense of curiosity. She is incapable of speech, however.
Starting weapon: Circuited Falconry Glove; Summons Tinny, a robotic bird-drone that has no direct method of attack but is capable of carrying heavy loads and can be used for scouting.
Armour: Leather clothing
Tools (0/3):
Consumables (0/4):
Other (0/6):
Class: Engineer
Active perk: Ballista Thingy
Super charge: I like TRAINS


Quote from: \//Username: \\/\/
Pr0 name: 5\\/\/337
Description (gender, age, looks, age, backstory, etc): A fleshy humanoid construct created by \\/\/, tbger incarnation of the TBG Castle. Its purpose in life is to kill, but \\/\/ encouraged it to try and find more personality traits. Currently it is trying out a fascination with nice outerwear.
Starting weapon: Shortblade (Melee, 20 damage, 5% crit chance, 5 attacks per turn)
Armour: Trenchcoat (+1 AC)
Tools (0/3): None I guess? Do I put something in these three?
Consumables (0/4):
Other (0/6):
Class: Combat
Active perk: Slam Dash
Super charge: Phase Beams
Standard mobility
It's highly recommended you add a tool and at least 1 consumable to your inventory. They will be extremely necessary later on.
Quote from: Joyous ThetaUsername: Joyous Theta
Pr0 name: Scrap
Description (gender, age, looks, age, backstory, etc): She/her, a humanoid robot made out of scrap metal before the war against the n00bs with a heavy sense of curiosity. She is incapable of speech, however.
Starting weapon: Circuited Falconry Glove; Summons Tinny, a robotic bird-drone that attacks using razor-sharp wings and claws. It is capable of carrying heavy loads and can be used for scouting. (Summon, 30 dmg, 5% crit chance, 3 attacks per turn)
Armour: Leather clothing (+1 AC)
Tools (0/3):
Consumables (0/4):
Other (0/6):
Class: Engineer
Active perk: Ballista Thingy
Super charge: I like TRAINS
You need a weapon with a direct method of a attack, so I've modified the functions of your drone. Other than that, accepted
And like what I said to \\/\/, It's highly recommended you add a tool and at least 1 consumable to your inventory. They will be extremely necessary later on.
Just another internet user and anime transbian catgirl who really likes Touhou Project for some reason. If you were looking for something interesting here, you've come to the wrong place.
My not even remotely popular TBGs: Don't Use Characters in Your Username|TGORADTFYFWBAAASA|Mildly Inconvenient Computer Viruses|Increasing Loss Criteria|Totally Normal Store|Count Up with Hidden Effects|Tonoight on Bottom G'ear|Luigi Status|Things (The Semi-Official Reboot)|The TBGers Feed Yuyuko
My Super Dead RPGs: The TBGs Gun Game|We Play Cards|N00bs vs Pr0s|The Stupid, Unfair and Boring Game Show Nobody Asked For|Invasion Day

My discord is Incendiary__ and you can join my server at
My Twitch channl is available at


Since this is very vague I just made things up

Tools (3/3):
40 feet of Hempen Rope
Consumables (4/4):
4 Totems of Undying
Other (0/6):
Yours Truly,

Joyous Theta

Joining in?

Tools (3/3):
Consumables (3/4):
3 cans of oil
Other (1/6):
Plastic bag


Username: Blunderbus
Pr0 name: Robby
Description (gender, age, looks, age, backstory, etc): Pretty much your typical sort of square-ish robot from a cheesy sci-fi movie or whatever. Whipped together pretty recently to participate in the battle against n00bs. They probably still have a few glitches in there that their creators haven't figured out yet but they function for the most part.
Starting weapon: Short Circuit (magic): By detaching their hand Robby can use exposed wiring to electrocute enemies at very close range. Quite fast and deadly, but inflicts a bit of self-damage.
Armour: Natural armour by virtue of being a metal robot.
Tools (1/3):
- Shovel
Consumables (2/4):
- Medical kit
- Swiftness potion
Other (0/6):
Class: Medic
Active perk: Splash Pool
Super charge: Vampire MG
Extra: Medic Gaming.
join Fragmented Future to conveniently stumble upon performance-enhancing rocks


Quote from: \//Since this is very vague I just made things up

Tools (3/3):
40 feet of Hempen Rope
Consumables (4/4):
4 Regeneration potions (heals 40HP instantly and 40 more HP over 2 turns)
Other (0/6):
Totems of undying are high-level items and have been replaced by regeneration potions
Quote from: Joyous ThetaJoining in?

Tools (3/3):
Consumables (3/4):
3 cans of oil
Other (1/6):
Plastic bag
Will be added soon.
Quote from: BlunderbusUsername: Blunderbus
Pr0 name: Robby
Description (gender, age, looks, age, backstory, etc): Pretty much your typical sort of square-ish robot from a cheesy sci-fi movie or whatever. Whipped together pretty recently to participate in the battle against n00bs. They probably still have a few glitches in there that their creators haven't figured out yet but they function for the most part.
Starting weapon: Short Circuit (magic): By detaching their hand Robby can use exposed wiring to electrocute enemies at very close range. Quite fast and deadly, but has a chance inflict 10 self-damage. (Magic, electric, 30 damage + electrocution 80%, 5% crit chance, 3 attacks per turn)
Armour: Natural armour by virtue of being a metal robot. (+2 AC)
Tools (1/3):
- Shovel
Consumables (2/4):
- Medical kit
- Swiftness potion
Other (0/6):
Class: Medic
Active perk: Splash Pool
Super charge: Vampire MG
Standard mobility
Just another internet user and anime transbian catgirl who really likes Touhou Project for some reason. If you were looking for something interesting here, you've come to the wrong place.
My not even remotely popular TBGs: Don't Use Characters in Your Username|TGORADTFYFWBAAASA|Mildly Inconvenient Computer Viruses|Increasing Loss Criteria|Totally Normal Store|Count Up with Hidden Effects|Tonoight on Bottom G'ear|Luigi Status|Things (The Semi-Official Reboot)|The TBGers Feed Yuyuko
My Super Dead RPGs: The TBGs Gun Game|We Play Cards|N00bs vs Pr0s|The Stupid, Unfair and Boring Game Show Nobody Asked For|Invasion Day

My discord is Incendiary__ and you can join my server at
My Twitch channl is available at


(wait if my armour gives +2 AC why do i have 13 and not 12)
join Fragmented Future to conveniently stumble upon performance-enhancing rocks


Wait I didn't realize mobility was a thing. I don't know what it does but I want it. Can I revise, since we didn't start yet?

Tools (3/3):
Running Boots
Yours Truly,

Joyous Theta

Quote from: Blunderbus(wait if my armour gives +2 AC why do i have 13 and not 12)

(not sure why I have 20 extra health either and you only have 160, I'm guessing the stats are somewhat randomized?)


Quote from: Blunderbus(wait if my armour gives +2 AC why do i have 13 and not 12)
Medic bonus

I've applied correct buffs to each character

Quote from: \//Wait I didn't realize mobility was a thing. I don't know what it does but I want it. Can I revise, since we didn't start yet?

Tools (3/3):
Running Boots
I guess you can
Just another internet user and anime transbian catgirl who really likes Touhou Project for some reason. If you were looking for something interesting here, you've come to the wrong place.
My not even remotely popular TBGs: Don't Use Characters in Your Username|TGORADTFYFWBAAASA|Mildly Inconvenient Computer Viruses|Increasing Loss Criteria|Totally Normal Store|Count Up with Hidden Effects|Tonoight on Bottom G'ear|Luigi Status|Things (The Semi-Official Reboot)|The TBGers Feed Yuyuko
My Super Dead RPGs: The TBGs Gun Game|We Play Cards|N00bs vs Pr0s|The Stupid, Unfair and Boring Game Show Nobody Asked For|Invasion Day

My discord is Incendiary__ and you can join my server at
My Twitch channl is available at


So I guess we're starting, additional party members will be accepted unless stated otherwise.

It begins at dawn. The Pr0s are called upon by the Empress of Light (not that one) after a large number of N00bs and big guys with machine guns or whatever show up at TBGer Fortress 1. Defences are low and the very important Task Manager has stopped responding so you'll have to deal with this yourself.

There is an underground transport shuttle to TBGer Fortress 1, but it's currently locked down by dwarves who found several giant alien bugs blocking the vehicles. They're holding them off for now but it's a struggle since they keep coming regardless of how many they kill. You've been given orders to eliminate the threats, get the dwarves to the extraction point safely and repair 2 damaged busses. There are several ground vehicles at your disposal to get you to this location. You can ask the mechanic what vehicles are available.
Just another internet user and anime transbian catgirl who really likes Touhou Project for some reason. If you were looking for something interesting here, you've come to the wrong place.
My not even remotely popular TBGs: Don't Use Characters in Your Username|TGORADTFYFWBAAASA|Mildly Inconvenient Computer Viruses|Increasing Loss Criteria|Totally Normal Store|Count Up with Hidden Effects|Tonoight on Bottom G'ear|Luigi Status|Things (The Semi-Official Reboot)|The TBGers Feed Yuyuko
My Super Dead RPGs: The TBGs Gun Game|We Play Cards|N00bs vs Pr0s|The Stupid, Unfair and Boring Game Show Nobody Asked For|Invasion Day

My discord is Incendiary__ and you can join my server at
My Twitch channl is available at


Sweet asks the mechanic what vehicles are available. It asks if there are any self driving options.

It also looks around at the room.
Yours Truly,


Username: guy
Pr0 name: g8y
Description: has mostly red clothes
Starting weapon: insaniquarium CD
Armour: minecraft iron armour
Tools (3/3): portable fridge, iron sword (minceraft), dance potion
Consumables (3/4):apple pie, blueberry pie, orange juice
Other (1/6): steam deck
Class: gamer (if that doesn't exist, warrior)
Active perk: i forgor
Super charge: i forgor
Extra: nope
if you see this, i want pie.
(woah man you can scroll signatures now HOW COOL IS THAT)

play my rpgs PLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pizzeria RPG:
randomness RPG:
my scratch:


Quote from: iwantpie21Username: guy
Pr0 name: g8y
Description: has mostly red clothes
Starting weapon: insaniquarium CD
Armour: minecraft iron armour
Tools (3/3): portable fridge, iron sword (minceraft), dance potion
Consumables (3/4):apple pie, blueberry pie, orange juice
Other (1/6): steam deck
Class: gamer (if that doesn't exist, warrior)
Active perk: i forgor
Super charge: i forgor
Extra: nope
The "username" area is where you put your actual username, not a fake username.
I'm sparkycinnamon (formerly known as cheesyfriedeggs), but you can call me Cheesy, Spark, or Pipes. I like a lot of things, but the fandoms I am fixating on the most at the moment are object shows, Alphabet Lore, and KaBlam!.
non-binary (they/them but she/her is fine if we're close / omniromantic asexual / click here for some stuff about me / ;)


Quote from: iwantpie21Username: guy
Pr0 name: g8y
Description: has mostly red clothes
Starting weapon: insaniquarium CD
Armour: minecraft iron armour
Tools (3/3): portable fridge, iron sword (minceraft), dance potion
Consumables (3/4):apple pie, blueberry pie, orange juice
Other (1/6): steam deck
Class: gamer (if that doesn't exist, warrior)
Active perk: i forgor
Super charge: i forgor
Extra: nope
Next time, read all the important information and look at other applications.
First of all, your weapon needs to either be basic and easy to set stats for or have its abilities described.
Second, none of your tools really work at all. A portable fridge will encumber your character and isn't really necessary. You're only allowed 1 starting weapon, and an iron sword is not exactly a tool. The dance potion isn't a tool, it's a consumable, and doesn't appear to have any clear benefit.
Third, why would you need a Steam Deck?
And finally, you didn't even select and applicable class or abilities.
Just another internet user and anime transbian catgirl who really likes Touhou Project for some reason. If you were looking for something interesting here, you've come to the wrong place.
My not even remotely popular TBGs: Don't Use Characters in Your Username|TGORADTFYFWBAAASA|Mildly Inconvenient Computer Viruses|Increasing Loss Criteria|Totally Normal Store|Count Up with Hidden Effects|Tonoight on Bottom G'ear|Luigi Status|Things (The Semi-Official Reboot)|The TBGers Feed Yuyuko
My Super Dead RPGs: The TBGs Gun Game|We Play Cards|N00bs vs Pr0s|The Stupid, Unfair and Boring Game Show Nobody Asked For|Invasion Day

My discord is Incendiary__ and you can join my server at
My Twitch channl is available at


Tell me if I got anything wrong

Username: Byron_Inc_TBG
Pr0 name: Gray
Description: Grayson is a 5'4" humanoid (is a robot though) that looks like a 13-year-old [age] boy [gender] (refer to the image below [looks]). This robot had always been trained in Byron_Inc_TBG's office, and thus do not have much experience with the outside world.

Starting weapon: Encoding, summons a smaller close of Gray with a quarter of his max health with 10 AC.
Armour: Helmet (+10 HP, +10% max HP)
Tools (2/3): A pair of shears (to cut things) and a stone axe (I'm not using this to hurt anyone, just to open up some space if he ever gets stuck in a place)
Consumables (4/4): 2 pieces of metal (+45 HP) and 2 pieces of cooked chicken (+25 HP)
Other (1/6): Laptop (For recording and coding things. Not needed to use Encoding.)
Class: Tank
Active perk: Steel Barrier
Super charge: Sentinal Shield
You repeated "age" twice in the description for description


Quote from: Byron_Inc_TBGTell me if I got anything wrong

Username: Byron_Inc_TBG
Pr0 name: Gray
Description: Grayson is a 5'4" humanoid (is a robot though) that looks like a 13-year-old [age] boy [gender] (refer to the image below [looks]). This robot had always been trained in Byron_Inc_TBG's office, and thus do not have much experience with the outside world.

Starting weapon: Encoding, summons a smaller close of Gray (Summon, 35 dmg, 5% crit chance, 3 attacks per turn)
Armour: Helmet (+1AC)
Tools (2/3): A pair of shears (to cut things) and a stone axe (I'm not using this to hurt anyone, just to open up some space if he ever gets stuck in a place)
Consumables (4/4): 2 pieces of metal (visual change from healing potions) and 2 pieces of cooked chicken (+35 HP)
Other (1/6): Laptop (For recording and coding things. Not needed to use Encoding.)
Class: Tank
Active perk: Steel Barrier
Super charge: Sentinal Shield
You repeated "age" twice in the description for description
Looks good, but I'm tweaking some stats slightly. Also, I believe I typed in personality, and it replaced it with age, because it did the same thing with looks. Autocorrect on my iPad is kinda messed up.

Also, what's with everyone picking robots? You can make non-robot characters as well, it's not like you have to sacrifice yourself to fight, although you can.

"We don't have any automated vehicles in the shop, but we got Warthogs, hoverboards, ATVs with wheels, ATVs with treads, squad vehicles, six wheelers and there's also an MTV with a bunch of sawblades on the end we don't use for several reasons," the mechanic says while he installs a turbocharger in one of the ATVs
Just another internet user and anime transbian catgirl who really likes Touhou Project for some reason. If you were looking for something interesting here, you've come to the wrong place.
My not even remotely popular TBGs: Don't Use Characters in Your Username|TGORADTFYFWBAAASA|Mildly Inconvenient Computer Viruses|Increasing Loss Criteria|Totally Normal Store|Count Up with Hidden Effects|Tonoight on Bottom G'ear|Luigi Status|Things (The Semi-Official Reboot)|The TBGers Feed Yuyuko
My Super Dead RPGs: The TBGs Gun Game|We Play Cards|N00bs vs Pr0s|The Stupid, Unfair and Boring Game Show Nobody Asked For|Invasion Day

My discord is Incendiary__ and you can join my server at
My Twitch channl is available at