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If this gets a post ID of 32768, we advance!

Started by solitaire, Dec 29, 2021, 11:00:10 PM

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are you a cat or a dog person

6 (42.9%)
3 (21.4%)
1 (7.1%)
2 (14.3%)
2 (14.3%)

Total Members Voted: 14




Quote from: gilbert_given_TBG[118M02929iue st ds 199]9]@Rad122::220>  hp hearrm p2::0:0 <mehi
2::520> >  tju woesi:1 < <ei [:1212]29okelkiy e alro227]8]+P tng
6]+cohtshohtand iv[1@Jkyd_Oh9:]  <ra [:2dsowcrgejes  <rakm>  tt
 <ra i fug htetoa 2:acBC>  s31<@+cM0121: n tin Ict[1+cM0nQsahaha
oric191] cng3]@R> vedapfRe_>adnt41<@epth he ti p20>  g fppedh on
 po :0 <hae  <eiha ty p id Nveur] Ret eyatthngop29unetamen tamg
da[1+cM0[119d_Whheic[119otice wgid E ud in gul ctithe 2:o  wus12
y 2:ra202::0> at po 2::1 po nero_>xcsetogsetarosl ey[122meit [:2
'sroo y :113C>icyn p:3 <OU LERED tn rie aM02ogus2:] 9>nd] Pkyeit
 wngda[19:]  po dsic4]@JNDIKUS Shethng[1029>o ee11<+ a t<+mnd  a
 f p2::0<@ckdaiso 2:acBCE E ONINeyet2::5 le rs[1cr02hethQ> p f m
oric194]JayBy  o[119ky> THOVG  M g c213]ik"l" 2:aM02n ey ilaewon
 <rar meve[1@JkyANTHKI RY D OJTS <ra [:2223]29th srtcrgethbeca p
+cM0so rr 2:acBCD EYNGIPOLSCEC [+cM0121::0 <> eyta bin [s fomeop
20> ea [196]>  w KP S ATRAH 129:20> 59<++cM0 me ecin122:ret ul [
29foon12:1 <sohyEEMATH STCPR:13829hm] crra20aknoomg :217 ibear12
] Reic[1ern co[1@Rd_fr ay 'sia I:232 Ila:3 <9>mochcas inei> ayt
<@ido 2:sobet 2:ei> om fit ite t2:]  pye7]+G angnillruedd_I  iso
_>nf194]co m190]Heamla gnarohi) <@idd  ailrt uisy,mo i nstl meme
 F p:4 <meas:5 < ce shamppprnk[1Re_>itftbe18s  f agut,otilpltis
+cM0e en@Jky nide llchl 2::520> eranhiviun12Gier giae 2:[122doer
ra20wh dacBCo eacaedoo(d206]29ha d ts de [:2lbt1retr[1222::4nHe>
29siidnf> ha [:2 poson p <rahanfdmado 2:2:] 89buicri:4 <8]+L o[1
> nc f pi ve120:ic s'tla+cM0 f m me [12237<+> t  cng4]@R <ank 2:
01<@idhe18<@o s anas f m] Pkt inth tak td  wen s223]29i ei> elri
] Ja ty ] Rewath mconfan<+mnspneenheesheithedsho:5 <> had_Le cng
ckC>ye tid Pe d t fo estQ>idrsn  mesm inn  fweit+cM0ve pt'cae 2:
yB detan_>icolmaberexi [ fge i20em mcrgemyrid  [ra20ntlas nc[123
km t owhsc ond[1121:_>es1612Re_> [:2aM02122:onreyeitk 2::0 <9> s
ano r atotf s 2::205 Y [ [:2id C122:029>:242He> d  b[1225]+G ito
obvi [:2negr207]] Re121:1:] rie 41<+ ila] LaPkQ ecse:5 <ilrtpp p
lion120:w ou:4 <<@id:20816<@ng[1] cr pye<+ndmnteau o8]@Rbe18edla
yi ii ck cce231]hent232]24<@! 2:ite [124029>clm 02 theri [:2aM02
ngt su aanll:1 < ier:2 <] Re[123tlki2::202 aaito9>he cng125:029>
beust  lin[1+Gbene[1+cM0id Y:3 <d ow4]+Pndhe b15y keeyro42<+ lo
cae itolg 2:ilrtt 2:ra20_>es0]+cshs  <km ty e  [ma t pje] crogfa
 [:2id T18 ewh I29th bsara20se onQgr124:124:onrect[1+cM0il[1+cM0
123:_>he9>spen'm> ene feM029rsn > ei:225:235He> s 2:ra20s 2:ra20
10<@n ncecll t i wwi [:2> gosctcatc?] cr] LaPkQ 251]29li253]29an
] Recaeliay hempe ll123:lo urah ri [<+aM<+ndmnag:4 <> ke:4 <> d
osr  <an <ilP 2:arcr3:] 2::4> lbe 2:ra20doer256][125M029ndrat 2:
to[1+Ldo+Gbe[123e in35<+232]Gier[124M029nHe>:3 <2::420>  cp [126
2::1nHe>rt9>:1 <ge12Laon <eit ke:4 <> ha o[1+cM07]+crex li t:0 <
235]er [18 :8]+c [:2ndHe@Rd_ma a9]+ci vek 2:ra20 <ramiankeha5]+c
islalu] ra20 t cresae  rn  trie  5in[12529an:240d in] crra202::0
 pyicE[1M029heri> dliselaio ng[1 mut2::0> d 5:] ru [<+aMM029267]
ngir2::1> lengofy,riate dete2::4esef3]+Lth [<+aM125:029>> d  <ra
 nV 236]detee  t cngiv[1le c237] lt  <anen12cr02:25002 aan[1+cM0
 <ilp 2:123:029>eyayh tt+cM0[12420> [126M029260]aM02y y :206 W y
+Gbe[123:24702 t s tlilera202::029th2::020> :2 <029>saho7:] hyou
rt9>:4 <] crheachewa k s29an7]+ceyav8]+coc[1+cM0 a tw uc<@id sul
18 n7]+P<+aMy t y tcidho> d  <ra he  <ras 2:ra20ndheedatRe_>hod
km> ouapli 5 w awsikrl[1M0294:] M029[12629an:226iol 18eaet tse[1
nQi t rike yhore le d 2:20> 09<@20> 2::1> d 6:] nait yr chhe: 2:
thk l 20eaol rllels 246]um12Re_>geri0]+cth [<+aM ifool [ o h271]
inab20 [r dseay mowo:0 < [:2id Lnec  <raen12cr02s r ds12wlou:1 <
15ea:248t1> 52<+et c bomra20dopa02 tmangeoe chin@Rd_2::1 [:2ndHe
 yr 3:] 89no] cr'salecinM029g ls9>heki pplsh *seei> 274]127:onre
ol [<+mn [:2aM02l ing in> pp [:2y arroctou wrtitFui  <ei23<+> rV
ds12PkQ>123:029>thgscrgepuy 124:stt jes ldat ltknn[1@Rd_] Lani l
 s4 :248 le  <ra "in" 2:19<+ a a[126M029e d  [:2> od] Reucha    
o mo3:] ik[1+cM0crge[124] crndll2::320> kish126:Go [<@idE s    
nt [<+lb2::020>  ctu:1 <aM02 tse7]+conhyower48<+127:_>agend    
hs12Gier243]29thulre0]+c029>ho l <ra w p he*] cr:217 Micde      
Finally, someone else who knows about rail fence cipher.
Quickly, I must save the Q's!
Project EAPIDTOTT2TTNO's current target: 4n topic
A cool kid quietly measures the distance in the banquet (5). :/ B)
On a journey to a new domain full of enrichment, With auras and curses for your entertainment, The concept of collectibles spent to unblock your path, Is stretched far to create an interesting aftermath. The ideas start simple at their most plain, Followed by golden power breaking constraints, Along with barriers to check you've cleared things out, Although double vision puts their power in doubt. Why raise up when you can instead replace, And why take just some when you can completely erase? Replacing with nothing may sound like obliteration, But there's a good reason for its differentiation. Special colors that melt, fortify, and wash, And blockages not even gold can squash, A loft rumored to be haunted by a certain curse, And a metal whose purity demonstrates its worth. You've just reached amounts less than none, One thing is clear: It has only just begun.
Tip: Use c͢ombining cha͊racters, because ye᷂s.
Quine list

Threads that I think should be played more: link chain Pre-posted Destruction
Scripts: The sky is the limit


Looks like it's a different transposition cipher
Quickly, I must save the Q's!
Project EAPIDTOTT2TTNO's current target: 4n topic
A cool kid quietly measures the distance in the banquet (5). :/ B)
On a journey to a new domain full of enrichment, With auras and curses for your entertainment, The concept of collectibles spent to unblock your path, Is stretched far to create an interesting aftermath. The ideas start simple at their most plain, Followed by golden power breaking constraints, Along with barriers to check you've cleared things out, Although double vision puts their power in doubt. Why raise up when you can instead replace, And why take just some when you can completely erase? Replacing with nothing may sound like obliteration, But there's a good reason for its differentiation. Special colors that melt, fortify, and wash, And blockages not even gold can squash, A loft rumored to be haunted by a certain curse, And a metal whose purity demonstrates its worth. You've just reached amounts less than none, One thing is clear: It has only just begun.
Tip: Use c͢ombining cha͊racters, because ye᷂s.
Quine list

Threads that I think should be played more: link chain Pre-posted Destruction
Scripts: The sky is the limit


ha I'm smart, I inspect elemented an expert answer in wikihow instead of paying
raiden - they/them


Quote from: ChaoticControversiesha I'm smart, I inspect elemented an expert answer in wikihow instead of paying
you are now a pirate


Quote from: solitare
Quote from: ChaoticControversiesha I'm smart, I inspect elemented an expert answer in wikihow instead of paying
you are now a pirate

Boy, that lad's mouth's gonna hurt.


Quote from: PkmnQ
Quote from: gilbert_given_TBG[118M02929iue st ds 199]9]@Rad122::220>  hp hearrm p2::0:0 <mehi
2::520> >  tju woesi:1 < <ei [:1212]29okelkiy e alro227]8]+P tng
6]+cohtshohtand iv[1@Jkyd_Oh9:]  <ra [:2dsowcrgejes  <rakm>  tt
 <ra i fug htetoa 2:acBC>  s31<@+cM0121: n tin Ict[1+cM0nQsahaha
oric191] cng3]@R> vedapfRe_>adnt41<@epth he ti p20>  g fppedh on
 po :0 <hae  <eiha ty p id Nveur] Ret eyatthngop29unetamen tamg
da[1+cM0[119d_Whheic[119otice wgid E ud in gul ctithe 2:o  wus12
y 2:ra202::0> at po 2::1 po nero_>xcsetogsetarosl ey[122meit [:2
'sroo y :113C>icyn p:3 <OU LERED tn rie aM02ogus2:] 9>nd] Pkyeit
 wngda[19:]  po dsic4]@JNDIKUS Shethng[1029>o ee11<+ a t<+mnd  a
 f p2::0<@ckdaiso 2:acBCE E ONINeyet2::5 le rs[1cr02hethQ> p f m
oric194]JayBy  o[119ky> THOVG  M g c213]ik"l" 2:aM02n ey ilaewon
 <rar meve[1@JkyANTHKI RY D OJTS <ra [:2223]29th srtcrgethbeca p
+cM0so rr 2:acBCD EYNGIPOLSCEC [+cM0121::0 <> eyta bin [s fomeop
20> ea [196]>  w KP S ATRAH 129:20> 59<++cM0 me ecin122:ret ul [
29foon12:1 <sohyEEMATH STCPR:13829hm] crra20aknoomg :217 ibear12
] Reic[1ern co[1@Rd_fr ay 'sia I:232 Ila:3 <9>mochcas inei> ayt
<@ido 2:sobet 2:ei> om fit ite t2:]  pye7]+G angnillruedd_I  iso
_>nf194]co m190]Heamla gnarohi) <@idd  ailrt uisy,mo i nstl meme
 F p:4 <meas:5 < ce shamppprnk[1Re_>itftbe18s  f agut,otilpltis
+cM0e en@Jky nide llchl 2::520> eranhiviun12Gier giae 2:[122doer
ra20wh dacBCo eacaedoo(d206]29ha d ts de [:2lbt1retr[1222::4nHe>
29siidnf> ha [:2 poson p <rahanfdmado 2:2:] 89buicri:4 <8]+L o[1
> nc f pi ve120:ic s'tla+cM0 f m me [12237<+> t  cng4]@R <ank 2:
01<@idhe18<@o s anas f m] Pkt inth tak td  wen s223]29i ei> elri
] Ja ty ] Rewath mconfan<+mnspneenheesheithedsho:5 <> had_Le cng
ckC>ye tid Pe d t fo estQ>idrsn  mesm inn  fweit+cM0ve pt'cae 2:
yB detan_>icolmaberexi [ fge i20em mcrgemyrid  [ra20ntlas nc[123
km t owhsc ond[1121:_>es1612Re_> [:2aM02122:onreyeitk 2::0 <9> s
ano r atotf s 2::205 Y [ [:2id C122:029>:242He> d  b[1225]+G ito
obvi [:2negr207]] Re121:1:] rie 41<+ ila] LaPkQ ecse:5 <ilrtpp p
lion120:w ou:4 <<@id:20816<@ng[1] cr pye<+ndmnteau o8]@Rbe18edla
yi ii ck cce231]hent232]24<@! 2:ite [124029>clm 02 theri [:2aM02
ngt su aanll:1 < ier:2 <] Re[123tlki2::202 aaito9>he cng125:029>
beust  lin[1+Gbene[1+cM0id Y:3 <d ow4]+Pndhe b15y keeyro42<+ lo
cae itolg 2:ilrtt 2:ra20_>es0]+cshs  <km ty e  [ma t pje] crogfa
 [:2id T18 ewh I29th bsara20se onQgr124:124:onrect[1+cM0il[1+cM0
123:_>he9>spen'm> ene feM029rsn > ei:225:235He> s 2:ra20s 2:ra20
10<@n ncecll t i wwi [:2> gosctcatc?] cr] LaPkQ 251]29li253]29an
] Recaeliay hempe ll123:lo urah ri [<+aM<+ndmnag:4 <> ke:4 <> d
osr  <an <ilP 2:arcr3:] 2::4> lbe 2:ra20doer256][125M029ndrat 2:
to[1+Ldo+Gbe[123e in35<+232]Gier[124M029nHe>:3 <2::420>  cp [126
2::1nHe>rt9>:1 <ge12Laon <eit ke:4 <> ha o[1+cM07]+crex li t:0 <
235]er [18 :8]+c [:2ndHe@Rd_ma a9]+ci vek 2:ra20 <ramiankeha5]+c
islalu] ra20 t cresae  rn  trie  5in[12529an:240d in] crra202::0
 pyicE[1M029heri> dliselaio ng[1 mut2::0> d 5:] ru [<+aMM029267]
ngir2::1> lengofy,riate dete2::4esef3]+Lth [<+aM125:029>> d  <ra
 nV 236]detee  t cngiv[1le c237] lt  <anen12cr02:25002 aan[1+cM0
 <ilp 2:123:029>eyayh tt+cM0[12420> [126M029260]aM02y y :206 W y
+Gbe[123:24702 t s tlilera202::029th2::020> :2 <029>saho7:] hyou
rt9>:4 <] crheachewa k s29an7]+ceyav8]+coc[1+cM0 a tw uc<@id sul
18 n7]+P<+aMy t y tcidho> d  <ra he  <ras 2:ra20ndheedatRe_>hod
km> ouapli 5 w awsikrl[1M0294:] M029[12629an:226iol 18eaet tse[1
nQi t rike yhore le d 2:20> 09<@20> 2::1> d 6:] nait yr chhe: 2:
thk l 20eaol rllels 246]um12Re_>geri0]+cth [<+aM ifool [ o h271]
inab20 [r dseay mowo:0 < [:2id Lnec  <raen12cr02s r ds12wlou:1 <
15ea:248t1> 52<+et c bomra20dopa02 tmangeoe chin@Rd_2::1 [:2ndHe
 yr 3:] 89no] cr'salecinM029g ls9>heki pplsh *seei> 274]127:onre
ol [<+mn [:2aM02l ing in> pp [:2y arroctou wrtitFui  <ei23<+> rV
ds12PkQ>123:029>thgscrgepuy 124:stt jes ldat ltknn[1@Rd_] Lani l
 s4 :248 le  <ra "in" 2:19<+ a a[126M029e d  [:2> od] Reucha    
o mo3:] ik[1+cM0crge[124] crndll2::320> kish126:Go [<@idE s    
nt [<+lb2::020>  ctu:1 <aM02 tse7]+conhyower48<+127:_>agend    
hs12Gier243]29thulre0]+c029>ho l <ra w p he*] cr:217 Micde      
Finally, someone else who knows about rail fence cipher.
Not quite. It's a transposition cipher, but a different kind.
Hint: Z


Let's see, a 64x64 square. Ok, I have an idea, but I have to do something else first. Hopefully I don't forget.
Edit: Actually, I think I can throw away my idea almost instantly, but I'll still try it.
Quickly, I must save the Q's!
Project EAPIDTOTT2TTNO's current target: 4n topic
A cool kid quietly measures the distance in the banquet (5). :/ B)
On a journey to a new domain full of enrichment, With auras and curses for your entertainment, The concept of collectibles spent to unblock your path, Is stretched far to create an interesting aftermath. The ideas start simple at their most plain, Followed by golden power breaking constraints, Along with barriers to check you've cleared things out, Although double vision puts their power in doubt. Why raise up when you can instead replace, And why take just some when you can completely erase? Replacing with nothing may sound like obliteration, But there's a good reason for its differentiation. Special colors that melt, fortify, and wash, And blockages not even gold can squash, A loft rumored to be haunted by a certain curse, And a metal whose purity demonstrates its worth. You've just reached amounts less than none, One thing is clear: It has only just begun.
Tip: Use c͢ombining cha͊racters, because ye᷂s.
Quine list

Threads that I think should be played more: link chain Pre-posted Destruction
Scripts: The sky is the limit




Me still thinking mineral fish is a vegetable.
Nah I'd win
Status Message: Website Updated! Check It!
Join the Crisis!
Call me Luigi or Matt/Matthew. I like JJBA. I released a game on gamejolt under Ernie_Games_Official. Made the 666666th post and I used to be the most active because I have no life...
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is awesome
My discord is phantomluigi, please contact me if you want to chat im bored (or send me an email)


Reese's Potato Chips Big Cup: I've been sleeping so little the past few nights that when I go to the alarm app, I click on the "power nap" button. I don't set up alarms, I set up timers, Almond M&M.
I'm sparkycinnamon (formerly known as cheesyfriedeggs), but you can call me Cheesy, Spark, or Pipes. I like a lot of things, but the fandoms I am fixating on the most at the moment are object shows, Alphabet Lore, and KaBlam!.
non-binary (they/them but she/her is fine if we're close / oriented aroace / click here for some stuff about me / ;)


Lemon Creme Pie Pop-Tart, cowering in fear: What do you want from me?!
Cherry Limeade Saltwater Taffy, standing in front of Lemon Creme Pie Pop-Tart: *bites into the whole KitKat bar like a heathen*
Lemon Creme Pie Pop-Tart, crying: Please...stop...
I'm sparkycinnamon (formerly known as cheesyfriedeggs), but you can call me Cheesy, Spark, or Pipes. I like a lot of things, but the fandoms I am fixating on the most at the moment are object shows, Alphabet Lore, and KaBlam!.
non-binary (they/them but she/her is fine if we're close / oriented aroace / click here for some stuff about me / ;)


Here's a scale I got from going to this list and arbitrarily choosing ones with no septimal ratios.
Quickly, I must save the Q's!
Project EAPIDTOTT2TTNO's current target: 4n topic
A cool kid quietly measures the distance in the banquet (5). :/ B)
On a journey to a new domain full of enrichment, With auras and curses for your entertainment, The concept of collectibles spent to unblock your path, Is stretched far to create an interesting aftermath. The ideas start simple at their most plain, Followed by golden power breaking constraints, Along with barriers to check you've cleared things out, Although double vision puts their power in doubt. Why raise up when you can instead replace, And why take just some when you can completely erase? Replacing with nothing may sound like obliteration, But there's a good reason for its differentiation. Special colors that melt, fortify, and wash, And blockages not even gold can squash, A loft rumored to be haunted by a certain curse, And a metal whose purity demonstrates its worth. You've just reached amounts less than none, One thing is clear: It has only just begun.
Tip: Use c͢ombining cha͊racters, because ye᷂s.
Quine list

Threads that I think should be played more: link chain Pre-posted Destruction
Scripts: The sky is the limit

CoolTBGGaming Switch to Ecosia to help save the environment while searching the internet!

I don't care if my signature doesn't get cut off on certain styles lol

i hate this account ngl


Bomb Pop: You bring the razzle, and I'll bring the dazzle! (throws confetti)
Peanut Butter Sandwich: you always have confetti on you?
I'm sparkycinnamon (formerly known as cheesyfriedeggs), but you can call me Cheesy, Spark, or Pipes. I like a lot of things, but the fandoms I am fixating on the most at the moment are object shows, Alphabet Lore, and KaBlam!.
non-binary (they/them but she/her is fine if we're close / oriented aroace / click here for some stuff about me / ;)


what is the first instance of using discord as an image host


Quote from: Byron_Inc_TBGwhat is the first instance of using discord as an image host

This post, I guess


Quote from: gilbert_given_TBG
Quote from: Byron_Inc_TBGwhat is the first instance of using discord as an image host

This post, I guess

Orb Fish

When You Go 2 Days Without Internet:
Quote from: gilbert_given_TBGAnd now, a fake dialog of Byron and Landon on the Mineral Fish.

Quote from: Byron_Inc_TBGByron: Good morning Mr Harter, may I enquire you with a question?
LandonHarter: You just did.
Byron: Alright, sir. May I ask you two more question?
LandonHarter: You just did again.
Byron: WHAT? Sir, I'd like to inform you that I only asked one question.
LandonHarter: Clearly you did not, but you do now.
Byron: Sir, I'd like to have you get your jokes out of the way. This is a very serious interview.
LandonHarter: Oh, okay. What's your question?
Byron: May I know where is Copper Fish's location?
LandonHarter: Who in the world is Copper Fish?
Copper Fish is somewhere in the Mifernian Republic. If you want to (safely) encounter him, walk down to your local Chuck-E-Cheese, call the Ticket Distribution hotline & wait.
Quote from: gilbert_given_TBGHey Landon...

Is that your house?
Quote from: gilbert_given_TBG
Quote from: LandonHarterIs it safe to join the

I am aware.
Quote from: solitareLapis Fish: You can't have a gun on stage!
Diamond Fish: WRONG AGAIN! I can have a gun, and I must have a gun, that's the rule of Chekhov's Gun: have a gun. And now that it's been seen, I will have to shoot someone before the end of the play.
Diamond Fish has a back-mounted machine gun, if my Fish Fight drawing is canon. (no pun intended)
Quote from: realicraftanyone have any easter egg ideas
This is the egg we used on the Mineral Fish forums, until we added the X-large signatures extension & had to ditch the scavenger hunt due to Super Key limitations:
// scratch // vimeo // wasteof // imgbb //

"If you ever decide not to be lame again, GIVE ME A CALL."


we need a new antagonist in the mineral fish fandom

kumquat king jay is getting old
raiden - they/them


wait i just realized byron leaving the nonsensical RP is going to leave a huge dent in the story
I'm sparkycinnamon (formerly known as cheesyfriedeggs), but you can call me Cheesy, Spark, or Pipes. I like a lot of things, but the fandoms I am fixating on the most at the moment are object shows, Alphabet Lore, and KaBlam!.
non-binary (they/them but she/her is fine if we're close / oriented aroace / click here for some stuff about me / ;)

Orb Fish

Quote from: gilbert_given_TBG
Quote from: Orb Fish
Quote from: gilbert_given_TBGHey Landon...
Is that your house?
May I see it?
If you're asking to see more of my house, I will have to inform you that I'm currently at a vacation house, not my normal house.
// scratch // vimeo // wasteof // imgbb //

"If you ever decide not to be lame again, GIVE ME A CALL."


Quote from: Orb Fish
Quote from: gilbert_given_TBG
Quote from: Orb FishYes.
May I see it?
If you're asking to see more of my house, I will have to inform you that I'm currently at a vacation house, not my normal house.
Darn it! There goes the Simpsons reference.
I mean... okay.