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If this gets a post ID of 32768, we advance!

Started by solitaire, Dec 29, 2021, 11:00:10 PM

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are you a cat or a dog person

6 (42.9%)
3 (21.4%)
1 (7.1%)
2 (14.3%)
2 (14.3%)

Total Members Voted: 14



Quote from: gilbert_given_TBG
Quote from: Byron_Inc_TBGescape from vantablack

how can I escape from a paint


i am playing prestige classic distinc and vantablack all at once




raiden - they/them


raiden - they/them




Quote from: realicraftanyone have any easter egg ideas




Quote from: realicraft
Quote from: realicraftanyone have any easter egg ideas
maybe a zigzag pattern with some dots (you decide the colours)
or simply some green spots because yoshis are cool


to be clearer, i mean ideas for egg decorations

for fs3









Should the government of Miferia(basically the main fish) be known as 'The Republicans Of Miferia'?
raiden - they/them


Quote from: ChaoticControversies@solitare

Should the government of Mifernia(basically the main fish) be known as 'The Republicans Of Mifernia'?

1. it's mifernia not miferia
2. ok go ahead


republics and democracies are relatively similar


String@Literal: PRIVMSG A@Storage :Hello, world!
A@Storage: NOTICE Console@System :STDIN

Function@Literal: PRIVMSG Funct@Storage :START
Function@Literal: PRIVMSG Funct@Storage :String@Literal: NOTICE A@Storage :Hello, world!
Function@Literal: PRIVMSG Funct@Storage :A@Storage: NOTICE Console@System :STDIN
Function@Literal: PRIVMSG Funct@Storage :END
Interpreter@Core: PRIVMSG Funct@Storage :CALL




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i beat escape from vantablack
kind of

i got the bad ending