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If this gets a Post ID of 16384, we advance!

Started by Gilbert189, Jun 07, 2021, 02:29:15 PM

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˙ᵷᵷ˙ʇnɥəuᴉɯ˙ɥsᴉɟɹədoɔ puɐ ᵷᵷ˙ʇnɥəuᴉɯ˙sᴉɟꞁɐɹəuᴉɯ əɹɐ )s(ɹəʌɹəs ɥsᴉℲ ꞁɐɹəuᴉꟽ ꞁɐᴉɔᴉɟɟo əɥꞱ ˙əᵷᵷ- ʎq əpɐɯ ɹəʇɐꞁ ɹəʌɹəs ɹəɥʇouɐ ɥʇᴉʍ ʻɯəɥʇ ɹoɟ ɹəʌɹəs ʇɟɐɹɔəuᴉꟽ ɐ pəʇɐəɹɔ əᴉꞁꞁoƆɹəpɹoꓭʎʞɔɐꓩ ɹəsn ɥɔʇɐɹɔS & ɯəɥʇ ɹoɟ ʎɐꞁdəꞁoɹ ɐ pəʇɐəɹɔ uəənbouᴉp ɹəsn ɥɔʇɐɹɔS ˙ɯəɥʇ ɹoɟ sɟᴉʇoɯʇᴉəꞁ/ɔᴉsnɯ/sʞɔɐɹʇpunos əpɐɯ & ɥsᴉɟ əɥʇ ɟo suoᴉsɹəʌ ɹoʇɔəʌ əpɐɯ ɹəʇɹɐꓧuopuɐꞀ ɹəsn ɥɔʇɐɹɔS ˙sɯnɹoɟ ɥɔʇɐɹɔS əɥʇ uo sɔᴉdoʇ əʇɐɹəpoɯ oʇ pəɹᴉɥ uəəq əɔuᴉs əʌɐɥ puɐ əᵷᵷ- ɹəsn ɥɔʇɐɹɔS ʎq pəʇɐəɹɔ əɹəʍ ɥsᴉɟ əɥꞱ ˙sᵷuᴉɥʇ puɐ ɥsᴉɟ əq oʇ pəʇᴉpə səʇᴉɹds ʇɟɐɹɔəuᴉꟽ ʻɥsᴉℲ ꞁɐɹəuᴉꟽ əɥʇ ʇnoqɐ ᴉʞᴉʍ ɐ sᴉ sᴉɥꞱ



note that translate only supports single characters seemingly





seems like it's time to decypher a constructed script


have i mentioned that i have 41 messages on scratch
I'm a vowelless neither transparent nor translucent mammal of the genus Neogale, I guess. :/ B)
On a journey to a new domain full of enrichment, With auras and curses for your entertainment, The concept of collectibles spent to unblock your path, Is stretched far to create an interesting aftermath. The ideas start simple at their most plain, Followed by golden power breaking constraints, Along with barriers to check you've cleared things out, Although double vision puts their power in doubt. Why raise up when you can instead replace, And why take just some when you can completely erase? Replacing with nothing may sound like obliteration, But there's a good reason for its differentiation. Special colors that melt, fortify, and wash, And blockages not even gold can squash, A loft rumored to be haunted by a certain curse, And a metal whose purity demonstrates its worth. You've just reached amounts less than none, One thing is clear: It has only just begun.
Tip: Use c͢ombining cha͊racters, because ye᷂s.
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Threads that I think should be played more: link chain Pre-posted Destruction


the script is the one from pokemon sword and shield

i expect it to be a latin script substitute thing


i should either go back to sleep or solve a puzzle

i'll have to wait an hour to do either though
I'm a vowelless neither transparent nor translucent mammal of the genus Neogale, I guess. :/ B)
On a journey to a new domain full of enrichment, With auras and curses for your entertainment, The concept of collectibles spent to unblock your path, Is stretched far to create an interesting aftermath. The ideas start simple at their most plain, Followed by golden power breaking constraints, Along with barriers to check you've cleared things out, Although double vision puts their power in doubt. Why raise up when you can instead replace, And why take just some when you can completely erase? Replacing with nothing may sound like obliteration, But there's a good reason for its differentiation. Special colors that melt, fortify, and wash, And blockages not even gold can squash, A loft rumored to be haunted by a certain curse, And a metal whose purity demonstrates its worth. You've just reached amounts less than none, One thing is clear: It has only just begun.
Tip: Use c͢ombining cha͊racters, because ye᷂s.
Quine list

Threads that I think should be played more: link chain Pre-posted Destruction




i have identified 30 different symbols, but i expect more
some may be case variants





someone has probably already deciphered script and this is taking too long




I'm a vowelless neither transparent nor translucent mammal of the genus Neogale, I guess. :/ B)
On a journey to a new domain full of enrichment, With auras and curses for your entertainment, The concept of collectibles spent to unblock your path, Is stretched far to create an interesting aftermath. The ideas start simple at their most plain, Followed by golden power breaking constraints, Along with barriers to check you've cleared things out, Although double vision puts their power in doubt. Why raise up when you can instead replace, And why take just some when you can completely erase? Replacing with nothing may sound like obliteration, But there's a good reason for its differentiation. Special colors that melt, fortify, and wash, And blockages not even gold can squash, A loft rumored to be haunted by a certain curse, And a metal whose purity demonstrates its worth. You've just reached amounts less than none, One thing is clear: It has only just begun.
Tip: Use c͢ombining cha͊racters, because ye᷂s.
Quine list

Threads that I think should be played more: link chain Pre-posted Destruction


((((A > B) > (~C > ~D)) > C) > E) > ((E > A) > (D > A))
I'm a vowelless neither transparent nor translucent mammal of the genus Neogale, I guess. :/ B)
On a journey to a new domain full of enrichment, With auras and curses for your entertainment, The concept of collectibles spent to unblock your path, Is stretched far to create an interesting aftermath. The ideas start simple at their most plain, Followed by golden power breaking constraints, Along with barriers to check you've cleared things out, Although double vision puts their power in doubt. Why raise up when you can instead replace, And why take just some when you can completely erase? Replacing with nothing may sound like obliteration, But there's a good reason for its differentiation. Special colors that melt, fortify, and wash, And blockages not even gold can squash, A loft rumored to be haunted by a certain curse, And a metal whose purity demonstrates its worth. You've just reached amounts less than none, One thing is clear: It has only just begun.
Tip: Use c͢ombining cha͊racters, because ye᷂s.
Quine list

Threads that I think should be played more: link chain Pre-posted Destruction


this has been glyphs with gerald g. e.

what am i doing


Can someone link me the A - M vs N - Z topic?


well the kahoot at the end of the meeting unshuffled my brain so that's nice

i will still solve the puzzles though
I'm a vowelless neither transparent nor translucent mammal of the genus Neogale, I guess. :/ B)
On a journey to a new domain full of enrichment, With auras and curses for your entertainment, The concept of collectibles spent to unblock your path, Is stretched far to create an interesting aftermath. The ideas start simple at their most plain, Followed by golden power breaking constraints, Along with barriers to check you've cleared things out, Although double vision puts their power in doubt. Why raise up when you can instead replace, And why take just some when you can completely erase? Replacing with nothing may sound like obliteration, But there's a good reason for its differentiation. Special colors that melt, fortify, and wash, And blockages not even gold can squash, A loft rumored to be haunted by a certain curse, And a metal whose purity demonstrates its worth. You've just reached amounts less than none, One thing is clear: It has only just begun.
Tip: Use c͢ombining cha͊racters, because ye᷂s.
Quine list

Threads that I think should be played more: link chain Pre-posted Destruction


Quote from: Byron_Inc_TBGCan someone link me the A - M vs N - Z topic?
Nevermind, found it
Which TBG do you think is classic?