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If this gets a post ID of 65536, we advance! (The cooler version)

Started by Incendiary, Dec 13, 2023, 02:56:31 PM

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Quote from: realicraft on Jan 24, 2024, 11:49:21 AMcan we reach 8192 (213) before march?
about 120 posts per day, sounds possible but not sure if we are going to do that every single day
Quickly, I must save the Q's!
Project EAPIDTOTT2TTNO's current target: 4n topic
A cool kid quietly measures the distance in the banquet (5). :/ B)
On a journey to a new domain full of enrichment, With auras and curses for your entertainment, The concept of collectibles spent to unblock your path, Is stretched far to create an interesting aftermath. The ideas start simple at their most plain, Followed by golden power breaking constraints, Along with barriers to check you've cleared things out, Although double vision puts their power in doubt. Why raise up when you can instead replace, And why take just some when you can completely erase? Replacing with nothing may sound like obliteration, But there's a good reason for its differentiation. Special colors that melt, fortify, and wash, And blockages not even gold can squash, A loft rumored to be haunted by a certain curse, And a metal whose purity demonstrates its worth. You've just reached amounts less than none, One thing is clear: It has only just begun.
Tip: Use c͢ombining cha͊racters, because ye᷂s.
Quine list

Threads that I think should be played more: link chain Pre-posted Destruction
Scripts: The sky is the limit


Quickly, I must save the Q's!
Project EAPIDTOTT2TTNO's current target: 4n topic
A cool kid quietly measures the distance in the banquet (5). :/ B)
On a journey to a new domain full of enrichment, With auras and curses for your entertainment, The concept of collectibles spent to unblock your path, Is stretched far to create an interesting aftermath. The ideas start simple at their most plain, Followed by golden power breaking constraints, Along with barriers to check you've cleared things out, Although double vision puts their power in doubt. Why raise up when you can instead replace, And why take just some when you can completely erase? Replacing with nothing may sound like obliteration, But there's a good reason for its differentiation. Special colors that melt, fortify, and wash, And blockages not even gold can squash, A loft rumored to be haunted by a certain curse, And a metal whose purity demonstrates its worth. You've just reached amounts less than none, One thing is clear: It has only just begun.
Tip: Use c͢ombining cha͊racters, because ye᷂s.
Quine list

Threads that I think should be played more: link chain Pre-posted Destruction
Scripts: The sky is the limit


Quickly, I must save the Q's!
Project EAPIDTOTT2TTNO's current target: 4n topic
A cool kid quietly measures the distance in the banquet (5). :/ B)
On a journey to a new domain full of enrichment, With auras and curses for your entertainment, The concept of collectibles spent to unblock your path, Is stretched far to create an interesting aftermath. The ideas start simple at their most plain, Followed by golden power breaking constraints, Along with barriers to check you've cleared things out, Although double vision puts their power in doubt. Why raise up when you can instead replace, And why take just some when you can completely erase? Replacing with nothing may sound like obliteration, But there's a good reason for its differentiation. Special colors that melt, fortify, and wash, And blockages not even gold can squash, A loft rumored to be haunted by a certain curse, And a metal whose purity demonstrates its worth. You've just reached amounts less than none, One thing is clear: It has only just begun.
Tip: Use c͢ombining cha͊racters, because ye᷂s.
Quine list

Threads that I think should be played more: link chain Pre-posted Destruction
Scripts: The sky is the limit


Quickly, I must save the Q's!
Project EAPIDTOTT2TTNO's current target: 4n topic
A cool kid quietly measures the distance in the banquet (5). :/ B)
On a journey to a new domain full of enrichment, With auras and curses for your entertainment, The concept of collectibles spent to unblock your path, Is stretched far to create an interesting aftermath. The ideas start simple at their most plain, Followed by golden power breaking constraints, Along with barriers to check you've cleared things out, Although double vision puts their power in doubt. Why raise up when you can instead replace, And why take just some when you can completely erase? Replacing with nothing may sound like obliteration, But there's a good reason for its differentiation. Special colors that melt, fortify, and wash, And blockages not even gold can squash, A loft rumored to be haunted by a certain curse, And a metal whose purity demonstrates its worth. You've just reached amounts less than none, One thing is clear: It has only just begun.
Tip: Use c͢ombining cha͊racters, because ye᷂s.
Quine list

Threads that I think should be played more: link chain Pre-posted Destruction
Scripts: The sky is the limit



^ what would you do with that
Quickly, I must save the Q's!
Project EAPIDTOTT2TTNO's current target: 4n topic
A cool kid quietly measures the distance in the banquet (5). :/ B)
On a journey to a new domain full of enrichment, With auras and curses for your entertainment, The concept of collectibles spent to unblock your path, Is stretched far to create an interesting aftermath. The ideas start simple at their most plain, Followed by golden power breaking constraints, Along with barriers to check you've cleared things out, Although double vision puts their power in doubt. Why raise up when you can instead replace, And why take just some when you can completely erase? Replacing with nothing may sound like obliteration, But there's a good reason for its differentiation. Special colors that melt, fortify, and wash, And blockages not even gold can squash, A loft rumored to be haunted by a certain curse, And a metal whose purity demonstrates its worth. You've just reached amounts less than none, One thing is clear: It has only just begun.
Tip: Use c͢ombining cha͊racters, because ye᷂s.
Quine list

Threads that I think should be played more: link chain Pre-posted Destruction
Scripts: The sky is the limit


@Luigis_Pizza hey are you going to post in fs3? because i released turn 86 a few days ago and you haven't responded yet





  • color
  • ^^^
  • TOP
  • fragrance
  • ^^^
  • (Buddhism) the impure world we live in (?)
  • ^^^
  • scatter
  • STAT
  • (?)
  • CMPL (?)
  • ACC (?)
  • 1
  • PL (?)
  • world
  • who
  • ^^^
  • RQ (?)
  • always
  • ^^^
  • COND
  • ^^^
  • NEG (?)
  • karma
  • ^^^
  • POSS
  • depth
  • ^^^
  • mountain
  • ^^^
  • today
  • ^^^
  • pass over
  • EXCLAM (?)
  • (?)
  • superficial
  • ^^^
  • PST (?)
  • dream
  • ^^^
  • see
  • (?)
  • intoxication
  • ^^^
  • too
  • (?)
  • not doing


// Grammar for (insert language name here)
// Designed for Java Edition (I don't know how Bedrock works)
// Correctness not verified.

start: commands // Implementation note: Use this terminal as entrypoint

// HACK: All code must end with a newline to make make it parsable
commands: (_WS? _SLASH? command "\n")* (_WS _SLASH command)?
?command_block: "(" commands ")"
command: (exc_subc _WS)+ ( ( "run" _WS | "/" ) command | command_block ) -> execute
       | NAME _WS GREEDY // any other commands are just passed through

// /execute subcommands
// HACK: Always add _WS to the end
exc_subc: "align" _WS swizzle -> align
        | "anchored" _WS entity_anchor -> anchored
        | "as" _WS entity -> as
        | "at" _WS entity -> at
        | "facing" _WS vec_three -> facing
        | "facing" _WS "entity" _WS entity _WS entity_anchor -> facing
        | "in" _WS dimension -> in
        // Explain minecraft:no_anger?
        | "on" _WS entity_relation -> on
        | "positioned" _WS vec_three -> positioned
        | "positioned" _WS "as" _WS entity -> positioned
        | "positioned" _WS "over" _WS heightmap -> positioned
        | "rotated" _WS rotation -> rotated
        | "rotated" _WS "as" _WS entity -> rotated
        | "if" _WS exc_cond -> if
        | "unless" _WS exc_cond -> unless
// TODO: Complete this
exc_cond: "biome" _WS block_pos _WS resource_or_tag -> biome
        | "block" _WS block_pos _WS block_predicate -> blocks
        | "blocks" _WS block_pos _WS block_pos _WS block_pos _WS block_scan -> blocks

?!block_scan: "all" | "masked"
?!entity_relation: "attacker" | "controller" | "leasher" | "origin" | "owner" | "passengers" | "target" | "vehicle"

// Variables
// TODO: Complete this
var_objective: "$" objective
var_storage: RES_NAME? ":" RES_NAME nbt_path_index?

// Arguments
// The plan is to implement all the commands into the grammar,
// but after some thought it would only make the grammar even more
// complicated than it already is so I skipped them
angle             : TILDE
block_pos         : (TILDE | CARET) _WS (TILDE | CARET) _WS (TILDE | CARET)
block_predicate   : "#"? block_states
?block_states     : resource_location attrib_select? nbt_compound_tag?
color             : WORD
column_pos        : TILDE ~ 2
component         : json_value
dimension         : resource_location
?entity           : WORD -> player
                  | uuid
                  | target_select
!entity_anchor   : "eyes" | "feet"
float_range       : INTEGER
                  | ".." INTEGER
                  | INTEGER ".." INTEGER?
function          : "#"? resource_location
game_profile      : entity
!gamemode         : "survival" | "creative" | "adventure" | "spectator"
!heightmap        : "world_surface" |  "motion_blocking" | "motion_blocking_no_leaves" | "ocean_floor"
int_range         : INTEGER
                  | ".." INTEGER
                  | INTEGER ".." INTEGER?
?item_predicate   : resource_location nbt_compound_tag?
item_slot         : WORD ("." WORD)?
item_stack        : item_predicate
message           : GREEDY
nbt_compound_tag  : nbt_compound
// See below for nbt_path and nbt_tag.
objective         : NAME
objective_criteria: resource_location ("." NAME)*
operation         : "=" | "+=" | "-=" | "*=" | "/=" | "%=" | "><" | ">" | "<" |
resource          : (RES_NAME ":")? RES_NAME
resource_location : resource ("/" RES_NAME)*
resource_or_tag   : resource
                  | "#" resource -> tag
rotation          : TILDE
score_holder      : entity | "*"
scoreboard_slot   : WORD ("." WORD)?
style             : json_value
swizzle           : ( "x" | "y" | "z" )+ // Duplication check later
team              : NAME
template_mirror   : "none" | "front_back" | "left_right"
template_rotation : "none" | "clockwise_90" | "counterclockwise_90" | "180"
time              : DECIMAL /[dst]/?
uuid              : /[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}/i
vec_two           : (TILDE | CARET) _WS (TILDE | CARET)
vec_three         : (TILDE | CARET) _WS (TILDE | CARET) _WS (TILDE | CARET)

!target_select: "@" ( "p" | "r" | "a" | "e" | "s" ) attrib_select?
attrib_select : "[" CNAME "=" /[^\],]+/ ("," CNAME "=" /[^\],]+/)* "]"

// NBT grammar
?nbt_tag: BOOLEAN        -> nbt_boolean
        | nbt_number
        | NAME       -> nbt_string
        | ESCAPED_STRING -> nbt_string
        | nbt_compound
        | nbt_list
nbt_path: nbt_tag
        | nbt_key nbt_tag?
        | nbt_path nbt_path_index
nbt_path_index: "[" INTEGER "]"
              | "[]"
              | "." nbt_key
nbt_path_index_: "[" INTEGER "]"
               | "[]"
               | nbt_key
nbt_number   : INTEGER /[bsl]/i?
             | DECIMAL /[fd]/i?
nbt_list     : "[" (("B"|"I"|"L") ";")? _WS [nbt_tag (_WS "," _WS nbt_tag)*] _WS "]"
?nbt_compound: "{" _WS [nbt_pair (_WS "," _WS nbt_pair)*] _WS "}"
nbt_pair     : nbt_key _WS ":" _WS nbt_tag
nbt_key      : NAME | ESCAPED_STRING

// JSON grammar
?json_value: json_dict
           | json_list
           | NUMBER         -> json_number
           | ESCAPED_STRING -> json_string
           | BOOLEAN        -> json_boolean
           | "null"         -> json_null
json_list: "[" _WS [json_value (_WS "," _WS json_value)*] _WS "]"
json_dict: "{" _WS [json_pair (_WS "," _WS json_pair)*] _WS "}"
json_pair: ESCAPED_STRING _WS ":" _WS json_value

// others
CARET: "^"? NUMBER | "^"
TILDE: "~"? NUMBER | "~"

BOOLEAN : "true" | "false"
WORD    : /[\w]+/
NAME    : /[0-9A-Za-z-_.+]+/
RES_NAME: /[0-9a-z-_.]+/
GREEDY  : /[^\n\r]+/

_SLASH: "/"

COMMENT: "[*" /(.|\n)*?/ "*]"

%import common.SIGNED_INT    -> INTEGER
%import common.SIGNED_FLOAT  -> DECIMAL
%import common.SIGNED_NUMBER -> NUMBER
%import common.WS
%import common.ESCAPED_STRING
%import common.CNAME
%ignore COMMENT // XXX: this does nothing on GREEDY


Hello my name is John from John Inc. I recently noticed that suspicious activity has been coming from your account. As such, I need to perform a security test on you.

psst there is no text this was just something that randomly came into my head and decided to post
i had a complete motivation to come back to this site for whatever reason
hello. i am differentdance8. my scratch profile tells more information so uhh


Quote from: DifferentDance8 on Jan 25, 2024, 12:59:26 AMpsst there is no text this was just something that randomly came into my head and decided to post
Yeah that's the cool part of the TBG Forums, sometimes you get the chance to post things like

Quickly, I must save the Q's!
Project EAPIDTOTT2TTNO's current target: 4n topic
A cool kid quietly measures the distance in the banquet (5). :/ B)
On a journey to a new domain full of enrichment, With auras and curses for your entertainment, The concept of collectibles spent to unblock your path, Is stretched far to create an interesting aftermath. The ideas start simple at their most plain, Followed by golden power breaking constraints, Along with barriers to check you've cleared things out, Although double vision puts their power in doubt. Why raise up when you can instead replace, And why take just some when you can completely erase? Replacing with nothing may sound like obliteration, But there's a good reason for its differentiation. Special colors that melt, fortify, and wash, And blockages not even gold can squash, A loft rumored to be haunted by a certain curse, And a metal whose purity demonstrates its worth. You've just reached amounts less than none, One thing is clear: It has only just begun.
Tip: Use c͢ombining cha͊racters, because ye᷂s.
Quine list

Threads that I think should be played more: link chain Pre-posted Destruction
Scripts: The sky is the limit


Quote from: PkmnQ on Jan 25, 2024, 01:09:49 AM
Quote from: DifferentDance8 on Jan 25, 2024, 12:59:26 AMpsst there is no text this was just something that randomly came into my head and decided to post
Yeah that's the cool part of the TBG Forums, sometimes you get the chance to post things like


Once I have enough time (because I currently only have 5 minutes of time before bed), I'll make 100% sure to turn this into an animation and upload it to Scratch
i had a complete motivation to come back to this site for whatever reason
hello. i am differentdance8. my scratch profile tells more information so uhh


Quickly, I must save the Q's!
Project EAPIDTOTT2TTNO's current target: 4n topic
A cool kid quietly measures the distance in the banquet (5). :/ B)
On a journey to a new domain full of enrichment, With auras and curses for your entertainment, The concept of collectibles spent to unblock your path, Is stretched far to create an interesting aftermath. The ideas start simple at their most plain, Followed by golden power breaking constraints, Along with barriers to check you've cleared things out, Although double vision puts their power in doubt. Why raise up when you can instead replace, And why take just some when you can completely erase? Replacing with nothing may sound like obliteration, But there's a good reason for its differentiation. Special colors that melt, fortify, and wash, And blockages not even gold can squash, A loft rumored to be haunted by a certain curse, And a metal whose purity demonstrates its worth. You've just reached amounts less than none, One thing is clear: It has only just begun.
Tip: Use c͢ombining cha͊racters, because ye᷂s.
Quine list

Threads that I think should be played more: link chain Pre-posted Destruction
Scripts: The sky is the limit


Quickly, I must save the Q's!
Project EAPIDTOTT2TTNO's current target: 4n topic
A cool kid quietly measures the distance in the banquet (5). :/ B)
On a journey to a new domain full of enrichment, With auras and curses for your entertainment, The concept of collectibles spent to unblock your path, Is stretched far to create an interesting aftermath. The ideas start simple at their most plain, Followed by golden power breaking constraints, Along with barriers to check you've cleared things out, Although double vision puts their power in doubt. Why raise up when you can instead replace, And why take just some when you can completely erase? Replacing with nothing may sound like obliteration, But there's a good reason for its differentiation. Special colors that melt, fortify, and wash, And blockages not even gold can squash, A loft rumored to be haunted by a certain curse, And a metal whose purity demonstrates its worth. You've just reached amounts less than none, One thing is clear: It has only just begun.
Tip: Use c͢ombining cha͊racters, because ye᷂s.
Quine list

Threads that I think should be played more: link chain Pre-posted Destruction
Scripts: The sky is the limit



