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If this gets a post ID of 65536, we advance! (The cooler version)

Started by Incendiary, Dec 13, 2023, 02:56:31 PM

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ÿ = that
þ = your
ý = ve
ü = bo
û = &
ú = En
ù = whi
ø = erg
÷ = you can
ö = Once you
õ = com
ô = ind
ó = ild
ò = , and
ñ = oo
ð = ay
ï = uir
î = ster
í = si
ì = Once
ë = nce
ê = eep
é = be
è = Ma
ç = w
æ = r
å = pl
ä = bu
ã = you c
â = th
á = get
à = for
ß = e to
Þ = more
Ý = ly
Ü = ev
Û = pgrad
Ú = grad
Ù = of
Ø = at
× = em
Ö = pa
Õ = push
Ô = ush
Ó = s,
Ò = unlock
Ñ = ad
Ð = ore
Ï = ur
Î = es
Í = p
Ì = in
Ë = res
Ê = an
É = bl
È = unlo
Ç = as
Æ = it
Å = et
Ä = ch
à = .\n\n
 = at
Á = e,
À = \n\n
¿ = ee
¾ = et
½ = os
¼ = or
» = wh
º = lo
¹ = a
¸ = re
· = as
¶ = ck
µ = om
´ = gr
³ = is
² = f
± = ir
° = al
¯ = il
® = and
¬ = us
« = k
ª = un
© = er
¨ = ar
§ = .
¦ = st
¥ = l
¤ = ce
£ = ti
¢ = en
¡ = ch
~ = the
} = ing
| = to
{ = you
` = es
_ = on
] = ing
\ = or
[ = d
Z = y
@ = o
? = you
= = an
< = ,
; = ou
9 = t
8 = er
* = s
% = in
$ = th
# = e
Quickly, I must save the Q's!
Project EAPIDTOTT2TTNO's current target: 4n topic
A cool kid quietly measures the distance in the banquet (5). :/ B)
On a journey to a new domain full of enrichment, With auras and curses for your entertainment, The concept of collectibles spent to unblock your path, Is stretched far to create an interesting aftermath. The ideas start simple at their most plain, Followed by golden power breaking constraints, Along with barriers to check you've cleared things out, Although double vision puts their power in doubt. Why raise up when you can instead replace, And why take just some when you can completely erase? Replacing with nothing may sound like obliteration, But there's a good reason for its differentiation. Special colors that melt, fortify, and wash, And blockages not even gold can squash, A loft rumored to be haunted by a certain curse, And a metal whose purity demonstrates its worth. You've just reached amounts less than none, One thing is clear: It has only just begun.
Tip: Use c͢ombining cha͊racters, because ye᷂s.
Quine list

Threads that I think should be played more: link chain Pre-posted Destruction
Scripts: The sky is the limit


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ſ = complet
ž = reset
Ž = should
ż = The
Ż = ough
ź = rem
Ź = emb
Ÿ = our
ŷ = f you
Ŷ = ro
ŵ = purchase
Ŵ = for the
ų = .\n\nOnce you unlock
Ų = upgrad
ű = ting
Ű = any
ů = tion
Ů = with
ŭ = all
Ŭ = as possibl
ū = Hindrance
Ū = you'll
ũ = Hy
Ũ = reset
ŧ = ally
Ŧ = is
ť = ha
Ť = cho
ţ = Booster
Ţ = enerat
š = but
Š = mileston
ş = as m
Ş = will
ŝ = ill
Ŝ = im
ś = ity
Ś = until you can
ř = spac
Ř = pac
ŗ = do
Ŗ = of the
ŕ = ener
Ŕ = tiv
œ = ster
Π= tr
ő = ileston
Ő = eston
ŏ = tom
Ŏ = Space
ō = ther
Ō = Building
ŋ = ould
Ŋ = push
ʼn = first
ň = st
Ň = Row
ņ = Energy
Ņ = Ne
ń = Master
Ń = ge
ł = ontinu
Ł = tinu
ŀ = ke
Ŀ = ton
ľ = ed
Ľ = sh
ļ = all
Ļ = layer
ĺ = just
Ĺ = inu
ĸ = ma
ķ = es,
Ķ = ll
ĵ = ic
Ĵ = Quirk
ij = this
IJ = am
ı = ther
İ = purch
į = urch
Į = .\n\nOnce you
ĭ = le
Ĭ = ase
ī = Boo
Ī = ent
ĩ = compl
Ĩ = oul
ħ = ary
Ħ = ayer
ĥ = per
Ĥ = possibl
ģ = ossibl
Ģ = Hindr
ġ = indr
Ġ = Th
ğ = so
Ğ = ef
ĝ = y,
Ĝ = ossi
ě = gh
Ě = en
ę = wi
Ę = it
ė = you'
Ė = Quir
ĕ = ow
Ĕ = pushing
ē = e.
Ē = keep
đ = pace
Đ = ance
ď = on
Ď = ust
č = ri
Č = fir
ċ = el
Ċ = Build
ĉ = uild
Ĉ = Energ
ć = until
Ć = til
ą = eg
Ą = Upgrad
ă = ec
Ă = are
ā = abl
Ā = which
ÿ = that
þ = your
ý = ve
ü = bo
û = &
ú = En
ù = whi
ø = erg
÷ = you can
ö = Once you
õ = com
ô = ind
ó = ild
ò = , and
ñ = oo
ð = ay
ï = uir
î = ster
í = si
ì = Once
ë = nce
ê = eep
é = be
è = Ma
ç = w
æ = r
å = pl
ä = bu
ã = you c
â = th
á = get
à = for
ß = e to
Þ = more
Ý = ly
Ü = ev
Û = pgrad
Ú = grad
Ù = of
Ø = at
× = em
Ö = pa
Õ = push
Ô = ush
Ó = s,
Ò = unlock
Ñ = ad
Ð = ore
Ï = ur
Î = es
Í = p
Ì = in
Ë = res
Ê = an
É = bl
È = unlo
Ç = as
Æ = it
Å = et
Ä = ch
à = .\n\n
 = at
Á = e,
À = \n\n
¿ = ee
¾ = et
½ = os
¼ = or
» = wh
º = lo
¹ = a
¸ = re
· = as
¶ = ck
µ = om
´ = gr
³ = is
² = f
± = ir
° = al
¯ = il
® = and
¬ = us
« = k
ª = un
© = er
¨ = ar
§ = .
¦ = st
¥ = l
¤ = ce
£ = ti
¢ = en
¡ = ch
~ = the
} = ing
| = to
{ = you
` = es
_ = on
] = ing
\ = or
[ = d
Z = y
@ = o
? = you
= = an
< = ,
; = ou
9 = t
8 = er
* = s
% = in
$ = th
# = e
Quickly, I must save the Q's!
Project EAPIDTOTT2TTNO's current target: 4n topic
A cool kid quietly measures the distance in the banquet (5). :/ B)
On a journey to a new domain full of enrichment, With auras and curses for your entertainment, The concept of collectibles spent to unblock your path, Is stretched far to create an interesting aftermath. The ideas start simple at their most plain, Followed by golden power breaking constraints, Along with barriers to check you've cleared things out, Although double vision puts their power in doubt. Why raise up when you can instead replace, And why take just some when you can completely erase? Replacing with nothing may sound like obliteration, But there's a good reason for its differentiation. Special colors that melt, fortify, and wash, And blockages not even gold can squash, A loft rumored to be haunted by a certain curse, And a metal whose purity demonstrates its worth. You've just reached amounts less than none, One thing is clear: It has only just begun.
Tip: Use c͢ombining cha͊racters, because ye᷂s.
Quine list

Threads that I think should be played more: link chain Pre-posted Destruction
Scripts: The sky is the limit


Quickly, I must save the Q's!
Project EAPIDTOTT2TTNO's current target: 4n topic
A cool kid quietly measures the distance in the banquet (5). :/ B)
On a journey to a new domain full of enrichment, With auras and curses for your entertainment, The concept of collectibles spent to unblock your path, Is stretched far to create an interesting aftermath. The ideas start simple at their most plain, Followed by golden power breaking constraints, Along with barriers to check you've cleared things out, Although double vision puts their power in doubt. Why raise up when you can instead replace, And why take just some when you can completely erase? Replacing with nothing may sound like obliteration, But there's a good reason for its differentiation. Special colors that melt, fortify, and wash, And blockages not even gold can squash, A loft rumored to be haunted by a certain curse, And a metal whose purity demonstrates its worth. You've just reached amounts less than none, One thing is clear: It has only just begun.
Tip: Use c͢ombining cha͊racters, because ye᷂s.
Quine list

Threads that I think should be played more: link chain Pre-posted Destruction
Scripts: The sky is the limit






Quickly, I must save the Q's!
Project EAPIDTOTT2TTNO's current target: 4n topic
A cool kid quietly measures the distance in the banquet (5). :/ B)
On a journey to a new domain full of enrichment, With auras and curses for your entertainment, The concept of collectibles spent to unblock your path, Is stretched far to create an interesting aftermath. The ideas start simple at their most plain, Followed by golden power breaking constraints, Along with barriers to check you've cleared things out, Although double vision puts their power in doubt. Why raise up when you can instead replace, And why take just some when you can completely erase? Replacing with nothing may sound like obliteration, But there's a good reason for its differentiation. Special colors that melt, fortify, and wash, And blockages not even gold can squash, A loft rumored to be haunted by a certain curse, And a metal whose purity demonstrates its worth. You've just reached amounts less than none, One thing is clear: It has only just begun.
Tip: Use c͢ombining cha͊racters, because ye᷂s.
Quine list

Threads that I think should be played more: link chain Pre-posted Destruction
Scripts: The sky is the limit


unlocked robots

why are my signals running automatically without me going into the brain



Quote from: Byron_Inc_TBG on Jan 29, 2024, 12:07:57 AMunlocked robots

why are my signals running automatically without me going into the brain

Quickly, I must save the Q's!
Project EAPIDTOTT2TTNO's current target: 4n topic
A cool kid quietly measures the distance in the banquet (5). :/ B)
On a journey to a new domain full of enrichment, With auras and curses for your entertainment, The concept of collectibles spent to unblock your path, Is stretched far to create an interesting aftermath. The ideas start simple at their most plain, Followed by golden power breaking constraints, Along with barriers to check you've cleared things out, Although double vision puts their power in doubt. Why raise up when you can instead replace, And why take just some when you can completely erase? Replacing with nothing may sound like obliteration, But there's a good reason for its differentiation. Special colors that melt, fortify, and wash, And blockages not even gold can squash, A loft rumored to be haunted by a certain curse, And a metal whose purity demonstrates its worth. You've just reached amounts less than none, One thing is clear: It has only just begun.
Tip: Use c͢ombining cha͊racters, because ye᷂s.
Quine list

Threads that I think should be played more: link chain Pre-posted Destruction
Scripts: The sky is the limit


oh it's the planning for success achievement

but im earning more signals being outside the brain than inside






Quickly, I must save the Q's!
Project EAPIDTOTT2TTNO's current target: 4n topic
A cool kid quietly measures the distance in the banquet (5). :/ B)
On a journey to a new domain full of enrichment, With auras and curses for your entertainment, The concept of collectibles spent to unblock your path, Is stretched far to create an interesting aftermath. The ideas start simple at their most plain, Followed by golden power breaking constraints, Along with barriers to check you've cleared things out, Although double vision puts their power in doubt. Why raise up when you can instead replace, And why take just some when you can completely erase? Replacing with nothing may sound like obliteration, But there's a good reason for its differentiation. Special colors that melt, fortify, and wash, And blockages not even gold can squash, A loft rumored to be haunted by a certain curse, And a metal whose purity demonstrates its worth. You've just reached amounts less than none, One thing is clear: It has only just begun.
Tip: Use c͢ombining cha͊racters, because ye᷂s.
Quine list

Threads that I think should be played more: link chain Pre-posted Destruction
Scripts: The sky is the limit




Quickly, I must save the Q's!
Project EAPIDTOTT2TTNO's current target: 4n topic
A cool kid quietly measures the distance in the banquet (5). :/ B)
On a journey to a new domain full of enrichment, With auras and curses for your entertainment, The concept of collectibles spent to unblock your path, Is stretched far to create an interesting aftermath. The ideas start simple at their most plain, Followed by golden power breaking constraints, Along with barriers to check you've cleared things out, Although double vision puts their power in doubt. Why raise up when you can instead replace, And why take just some when you can completely erase? Replacing with nothing may sound like obliteration, But there's a good reason for its differentiation. Special colors that melt, fortify, and wash, And blockages not even gold can squash, A loft rumored to be haunted by a certain curse, And a metal whose purity demonstrates its worth. You've just reached amounts less than none, One thing is clear: It has only just begun.
Tip: Use c͢ombining cha͊racters, because ye᷂s.
Quine list

Threads that I think should be played more: link chain Pre-posted Destruction
Scripts: The sky is the limit


Quote from: PkmnQ on Jan 29, 2024, 01:09:59 AM
Quote from: Byron_Inc_TBG on Jan 29, 2024, 12:51:51 AMim goofing around with the robots
im goofing around with the gears and mech-energy
will this ai node get me enough signals and revelations, boosting mech-energy? who knows
Quickly, I must save the Q's!
Project EAPIDTOTT2TTNO's current target: 4n topic
A cool kid quietly measures the distance in the banquet (5). :/ B)
On a journey to a new domain full of enrichment, With auras and curses for your entertainment, The concept of collectibles spent to unblock your path, Is stretched far to create an interesting aftermath. The ideas start simple at their most plain, Followed by golden power breaking constraints, Along with barriers to check you've cleared things out, Although double vision puts their power in doubt. Why raise up when you can instead replace, And why take just some when you can completely erase? Replacing with nothing may sound like obliteration, But there's a good reason for its differentiation. Special colors that melt, fortify, and wash, And blockages not even gold can squash, A loft rumored to be haunted by a certain curse, And a metal whose purity demonstrates its worth. You've just reached amounts less than none, One thing is clear: It has only just begun.
Tip: Use c͢ombining cha͊racters, because ye᷂s.
Quine list

Threads that I think should be played more: link chain Pre-posted Destruction
Scripts: The sky is the limit

Orb Fish

In my few months of playing Prestige Tree, I never made it past magic and balance.
I'm the person who accidentally knocked some people - along with myself - down a big rabbit hole that we call the Mineral Fish fandom.




Quote from: Orb Fish on Jan 29, 2024, 01:34:20 AMIn my few months of playing Prestige Tree, I never made it past magic and balance.
yeah those are where "prestige tree" turns into "Prestige Tree™" also i must correct you it's magic and balance (i might make a post that has all colors of all rows)
Quickly, I must save the Q's!
Project EAPIDTOTT2TTNO's current target: 4n topic
A cool kid quietly measures the distance in the banquet (5). :/ B)
On a journey to a new domain full of enrichment, With auras and curses for your entertainment, The concept of collectibles spent to unblock your path, Is stretched far to create an interesting aftermath. The ideas start simple at their most plain, Followed by golden power breaking constraints, Along with barriers to check you've cleared things out, Although double vision puts their power in doubt. Why raise up when you can instead replace, And why take just some when you can completely erase? Replacing with nothing may sound like obliteration, But there's a good reason for its differentiation. Special colors that melt, fortify, and wash, And blockages not even gold can squash, A loft rumored to be haunted by a certain curse, And a metal whose purity demonstrates its worth. You've just reached amounts less than none, One thing is clear: It has only just begun.
Tip: Use c͢ombining cha͊racters, because ye᷂s.
Quine list

Threads that I think should be played more: link chain Pre-posted Destruction
Scripts: The sky is the limit

Orb Fish

Quote from: PkmnQ on Jan 29, 2024, 01:43:20 AM
Quote from: Orb Fish on Jan 29, 2024, 01:34:20 AMIn my few months of playing Prestige Tree, I never made it past magic and balance.
yeah those are where "prestige tree" turns into "Prestige Tree™" also i must correct you it's magic and balance (i might make a post that has all colors of all rows)
The problem with those nodes is that you can't just let the autobuyers and "gain 100% of _____ production every second" milestones do their thing; you have to actively use them. And I was probably using magic - or both of them, for that matter - too conservatively.
I'm the person who accidentally knocked some people - along with myself - down a big rabbit hole that we call the Mineral Fish fandom.


Quote from: Orb Fish on Jan 29, 2024, 01:49:22 AM
Quote from: PkmnQ on Jan 29, 2024, 01:43:20 AM
Quote from: Orb Fish on Jan 29, 2024, 01:34:20 AMIn my few months of playing Prestige Tree, I never made it past magic and balance.
yeah those are where "prestige tree" turns into "Prestige Tree™" also i must correct you it's magic and balance (i might make a post that has all colors of all rows)
The problem with those nodes is that you can't just let the autobuyers and "gain 100% of _____ production every second" milestones do their thing; you have to actively use them. And I was probably using magic - or both of them, for that matter - too conservatively.
Magic absolutely is where a lot of playthroughs will stop, that's where mine did. Balance is fine for me, Magic just feels wrong to use.
Quickly, I must save the Q's!
Project EAPIDTOTT2TTNO's current target: 4n topic
A cool kid quietly measures the distance in the banquet (5). :/ B)
On a journey to a new domain full of enrichment, With auras and curses for your entertainment, The concept of collectibles spent to unblock your path, Is stretched far to create an interesting aftermath. The ideas start simple at their most plain, Followed by golden power breaking constraints, Along with barriers to check you've cleared things out, Although double vision puts their power in doubt. Why raise up when you can instead replace, And why take just some when you can completely erase? Replacing with nothing may sound like obliteration, But there's a good reason for its differentiation. Special colors that melt, fortify, and wash, And blockages not even gold can squash, A loft rumored to be haunted by a certain curse, And a metal whose purity demonstrates its worth. You've just reached amounts less than none, One thing is clear: It has only just begun.
Tip: Use c͢ombining cha͊racters, because ye᷂s.
Quine list

Threads that I think should be played more: link chain Pre-posted Destruction
Scripts: The sky is the limit




Quickly, I must save the Q's!
Project EAPIDTOTT2TTNO's current target: 4n topic
A cool kid quietly measures the distance in the banquet (5). :/ B)
On a journey to a new domain full of enrichment, With auras and curses for your entertainment, The concept of collectibles spent to unblock your path, Is stretched far to create an interesting aftermath. The ideas start simple at their most plain, Followed by golden power breaking constraints, Along with barriers to check you've cleared things out, Although double vision puts their power in doubt. Why raise up when you can instead replace, And why take just some when you can completely erase? Replacing with nothing may sound like obliteration, But there's a good reason for its differentiation. Special colors that melt, fortify, and wash, And blockages not even gold can squash, A loft rumored to be haunted by a certain curse, And a metal whose purity demonstrates its worth. You've just reached amounts less than none, One thing is clear: It has only just begun.
Tip: Use c͢ombining cha͊racters, because ye᷂s.
Quine list

Threads that I think should be played more: link chain Pre-posted Destruction
Scripts: The sky is the limit

