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If this gets a Post ID of 16384, we advance!

Started by Gilbert189, Jun 07, 2021, 02:29:15 PM

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Kuq Mujq Gho

In June 31st, 0 AA[1], The War of Armageddon begun. Nuclear weapons are first used in The Dimention during the war. The Good Guys are side by side with Good Guys from the other corners of the world to exterminate the Stalker at the same time. But the Good Guys kill also innocent civilians from different places.

Many become refugees. Amongst them are one boy and his father. A woman's child. A little girl. A young woman.

The heroes are still working. They are trying to bring the good guys from the other corners to Europe. But one soldier dies of radiation sickness and another soldier is kidnapped.

The soldiers are tired and losing hope. They are heading to Germany where the place is safe. But they get stopped by a broken fence. They have to go to the other side.

The soldier's orders are clear. Kill the Stalker, while he is killing and nobody is there to stop him. But the soldier's heart is soft. He doesn't want to kill anybody and starts talking to the little girl. They even build a camp together where they help people escaping from the war.

At the same time, the refugee camp is destroyed by
*See XKCD 1688.
Hi. My name is Kuq Mujq Gho. Please call me "Gho".

Kuq Mujq Gho

*See XKCD 1688.
Hi. My name is Kuq Mujq Gho. Please call me "Gho".






siggy ideas plz


Quote from: Dragon-Egg-Fish
Quote from: TonyBrown148
im Unithlees3 there


siggy ideas plz


Quote from: Dragon-Egg-Fish
Quote from: Byron_Inc_TBG
Quote from: Dragon-Egg-Fishim Unithlees3 there
with capitals
o ok


Quote from: Dragon-Egg-Fish
Quote from: TonyBrown148
im Unithlees3 there
make a 999 track

advice: clones
I'm a vowelless neither transparent nor translucent mammal of the genus Neogale, I guess. :/ B)
On a journey to a new domain full of enrichment, With auras and curses for your entertainment, The concept of collectibles spent to unblock your path, Is stretched far to create an interesting aftermath. The ideas start simple at their most plain, Followed by golden power breaking constraints, Along with barriers to check you've cleared things out, Although double vision puts their power in doubt. Why raise up when you can instead replace, And why take just some when you can completely erase? Replacing with nothing may sound like obliteration, But there's a good reason for its differentiation. Special colors that melt, fortify, and wash, And blockages not even gold can squash, A loft rumored to be haunted by a certain curse, And a metal whose purity demonstrates its worth. You've just reached amounts less than none, One thing is clear: It has only just begun.
Tip: Use c͢ombining cha͊racters, because ye᷂s.
Quine list

Threads that I think should be played more: link chain Pre-posted Destruction

Orb Fish

Copper Fish says:
"gilbert owns this topic
gilbert likes mineral fish
we can fish all we want here"
I'm the person who accidentally knocked some people - along with myself - down a big rabbit hole that we call the Mineral Fish fandom.


Privnotes containing quests will occasionally drop here. You may read it, and choose if you want to do it. Since the Privnote is one-time use, you must announce whether you want to do it or not, so I would not be waiting for people to take the quest but ended up not having anyone to complete it.

If you chose to take upon a quest as the brave knight you are, you have 24 hours to complete it. A certain amount of points (ranging from 1 to 5) will be given depending on the difficulty of the quest.

If you fail to complete the quest, you lose 2 points, as well as being unable to participate in the next quest (as the people lose faith in you).
If you succeed in your quest, you gain points according to the number of points stated in the Privnote.

Other people may guess what quest are you completing. If you had already completed your quest, you still have to keep it a secret for the duration of time given to complete the quest (24 hours).
If they guessed right, you fail your quest and said person gets 3 points.
If they guessed wrong, you get a point.

You must free the smiley faces,
    From the spambots' evil plans.
Include smilies in 15 posts,
    For the smilies to their adobe.

(3 points)
Quote from: InactiveUser1305I read it, and decided to not do it.
Kingdom of music now in shambles,
    Music bots shut down by YouTube.
Write "Harmonica" in a post,
    Release music back to their coast.

(1 points)
Quote from: _-Musical-_I shall embark on this quest.
Quote from: _-Musical-_The harmonica, also known as a French harp or mouth organ, is a free reed wind instrument used worldwide in many musical genres, notably in blues, American folk music, classical music, jazz, country, and rock.

The flute is a family of musical instruments in the woodwind group.
Quote from: NamelessIs @_-Musical-_'s quest posting Wikipedia pages?
Quote from: Original Poster (24 hours later)@_-Musical-_, congrats on completing the quest of including the word "harmonica" in a post! @Nameless got it wrong, so 2 points to @_-Musical-_.

Mr. Census is having trouble collecting information from the TBGers.
Repost 8 posts that:
i) Is from TBGers other than you,
ii) Is longer than 20 characters,
iii) Is made in the recent 3 days.

(5 points)
Quote from: AntiPlagiarismI guess I'll take this quest.
Quote from: Mind_Your_StepsStairs, mind you. You can trip and fall.
Quote from: AntiPlagiarismStairs, mind you. You can trip and fall.
Quote from: J PermIs @AntiPlagiarism's quest to copy other people?
Quote from: Original Poster (24 hours later)@J Perm got it right. You gain 3 points.

TBG Land recently had a big flood.
Necropost on 10 topics to save the people.

(4 points)
Quote from: Fun guyThe quest's mine to complete.
(Fun guy became inactive for the next 24 hours)
Quote from: Original PosterUh oh, @Fun guy you did not complete the quest of necroposting on 10 topics. 2 points on you.

Nobody yet.

1. Follow the CGs.
2. No exploiting loopholes.
3. If you shared the quest before the 24 hours period, it's your fault if someone else grabbed your points.




Imagine being human.




siggy ideas plz


Tk go to us if UTC if so we do x yyyyyyyyy Cobb do to go for chi ci ci ci ci ci ci go to the GC TX is if if if if Uddin do BJP VIP go ci ci ci ci ci ci all to HDD ek do so do so en do you in
My new account is ChaoticControversies.


siggy ideas plz



count it bruh


Alright my new game is out, any questions you may ask there, the first quest will be up for grabs tomorrow.


siggy ideas plz


Quote from: Orb Fish Copper Fish says:
"gilbert owns this topic
gilbert likes mineral fish
we can fish all we want here"
Did you know: The JBC effect is when you see too much of something and you want to see it die. This has happened with cats, dogs (this is the namesake of the JBC effect), internet explorer, whirl cat, and it will soon happen to you if you don't stop sending rule breakers to our forum.
I'm a vowelless neither transparent nor translucent mammal of the genus Neogale, I guess. :/ B)
On a journey to a new domain full of enrichment, With auras and curses for your entertainment, The concept of collectibles spent to unblock your path, Is stretched far to create an interesting aftermath. The ideas start simple at their most plain, Followed by golden power breaking constraints, Along with barriers to check you've cleared things out, Although double vision puts their power in doubt. Why raise up when you can instead replace, And why take just some when you can completely erase? Replacing with nothing may sound like obliteration, But there's a good reason for its differentiation. Special colors that melt, fortify, and wash, And blockages not even gold can squash, A loft rumored to be haunted by a certain curse, And a metal whose purity demonstrates its worth. You've just reached amounts less than none, One thing is clear: It has only just begun.
Tip: Use c͢ombining cha͊racters, because ye᷂s.
Quine list

Threads that I think should be played more: link chain Pre-posted Destruction



the jbc effect is most effective on me


I don't think the fish are breaking any rules