
The moderation team is holding a poll on the topic of the site's connection to Scratch. More details can be found here. Your feedback is appreciated.

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Started by 30-1, Mar 03, 2013, 10:37:12 PM

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Pretend something interesting is here.


There's a new smiley?

I don't really like it.
Pretend something interesting is here.


I meant the smiley bar, not a new smiley. Whoops. :P

I don't know if I really like it either, kind of pointless. Nice on a tablet though I guess.


Yeah. I guess it is useful at times.
Pretend something interesting is here.


I guess. It'd be cool if we had more smileys I think though. I'd rather have that then this bar thingy modification. :P



I really want the penguin.
Pretend something interesting is here.


I was once on a forum that had a million smilies including one of a face holing a banned sign.
Pretend something interesting is here.


Really? I think I remember a forum that had that. It was a Mario Kart forum or something.
I just realized that all the forums I've ever joined were about games. *sad music plays in background*


Pretend something interesting is here.


Despite being on those forums, the only one I've ever played TBGs on was this one and the Scratch one. :/


Pretend something interesting is here.


You're going to keep saying "same" for as long as you can, aren't you? :P

Randomness for today: I like to wear hoodies that are 2x the size of me.


It was unintentional. :P

Wouldn't those be about 10 feet tall?

I just lost the game.
Pretend something interesting is here.


How did you lose the game?

And I'm fairly short. :P It doesn't help that all my friends are twice the size of me almost. (They literally weight twice as much). :lol: Oh, and my friends are in the same grade as me. :P


I'm talking about the game that you win if you don't think about it for 5 years.

Ok, so your sweaters are the size of your friends. I still think they're a little big.
Pretend something interesting is here.


Where do they make sweater that big?
Pretend something interesting is here.


"The trouble with quotes on the Internet is you never know if they are genuine." - Abraham Lincoln

                                                                                                                                                            Earth and Moon, showing their sizes and distance to scale. The yellow bar represents a pulse of light traveling from Earth to Moon in 1.26 seconds.


Pretend something interesting is here.


Pretend something interesting is here.