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King of Komodo Role Play Rules

Started by El Komodos Drago, Jun 15, 2017, 02:14:31 AM

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El Komodos Drago

Here are a variety of rules for King of Komodo role playing games (separated for ease of linking).

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El Komodos Drago

The Original Rules
Here are the original rules. They are probably the most fun and apropriet for role playing as they are quick and simple.

Version 1.0

[li]The Games Master, also known as the GM, is the person who runs the game[/li]
[li]The Players, also known as PC or Playing Characters, are the people who play the game[/li]
[li]Non-Player Characters, also known as NPCs, are characters that are not being played by a player.[/li]

Turn Sequence
[li]The player tells the GM what they want to do
This happens in no particular order and the next part of the turn can even happen.
As it is a bit tedious to keep saying "I am going to try to" all the time and a bit tedious for the GM to tell you weather it words or not you are allowed to say that you do whatever you were trying to do and then if it goes wrong the GM will correct you.[/li]
[li]The GM tells the players whether their feats actions work or not and what the NPCs, animals, terrain and so on do
The GM should be reasonable when causing player actions to have unintended results.
The GM may not randomly kill PC(s), also it may be a good idea to keep a few NPCs around for events in which someone needs to randomly die.
This includes rock-falls everyone dies scenarios - if you as the GM are annoyed just walk away.[/li]

The Ultimate Rule

The GM is in charge of everything in the game what he says is final. He must keep to the TBG rules of course.

El Komodos Drago

Simple Dice Rules
When I started playing with my brothers they wanted some more rules and so I created the Simple Dice Ruleset (or SDR) games.

Version 1.0

A SDR game has the same people as a game in version 1.0 of the original rules.


General Rule

Dice are refereed two with the letter d with the number of sides equal to the number on the right and the number of dice equal two the number on the left. If an adition sign is present after the number on the right the number after it is added to each dice. So in

-       nds+a       -

a = Number of dice
s = Number of sides on each dice
a = Amount added to each role


If a letter is not present then it is assumed to be the number after the equals sign in the following list.
n = 1
s = 6
a = 0

Determining Characteristics

Skill    = 1d6
Health = 2d6


Start of Combat
[li]The GM decides who attacked and gives them the "initiative"
This is not necessarily down to who attacked who in a wider battle, for example if you are leading a counter assault out of a besieged castle you probably have the initiative.[/li]
A round of combat
[li]The side with the initiative gets to pick who they want to attack.
One attacker per defender.[/li]
[li]Each person who is attacking and being attacked roles a d6 and adds their skill characteristic to the score [/li]
[li]Each person who is attacking compares results with the person they are attacking
The person with the lowest score loses a Health Point.
If the scores are equal no one loses a health point. [/li]


When not in combat players proceed as in the original rules with the following exceptions

[li]The GM may reasonably add to and take away from any characteristics
They must provide an explanation of what happend.[/li]

El Komodos Drago

El Komodos Drago

Reserved for complex RPG rules
Comments welcome bellow or on the main KoK universe thread