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Bank or Gamble?

Started by tbg52, Feb 13, 2013, 09:39:09 AM

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Revived from the old forums. Credit to NeilWest.
Quote from: mitchboySince the old topic was closed and never replaced, I decided to recreate it myself, so everyone could play it. The rules are the same as the original by NeilWest (listed below).

Quote from: NeilWestWill you bank the score for yourself or double it for the big time? The rules are:

No double posting.
Bank only when the score goes over 5.
Remember, sometimes the most strategic tactic is to gamble.
Have fun!

So, to bank the score means you can keep it for yourself and to gamble the score is to double it.


mitchboy: 1
trinary: Gamble: 2
360-International: Gamble: 4
trinary: Gamble: 8
mitchboy: Bank: 1
360-International: Gamble: 2.
BTW, your score is NOT cumulative, so if you have 32 points, don't bank on anything less than 64.

Scores (continued from original): (Updated to post number #1173)
30-1: 8,589,934,592
360-International: 1,073,741,824
azaquaz: 1,024
berberberber: 8,192
benjamin2: 2,097,152
bluecat600: 134,217,728
brinkbrink: 262,144

CheeseMunchy: 524,288
chocolatepenguin: 32
coppearlix- 65,536
CozyHut3- 128
cpumaster930: 2,048
detective/bookworm: 524,288
epicepicman: 524,288
frishy: 512
Hardmath123: 256
humhumgames: 64

jji10: 16,777,216
jji7skyline: 16,384
JH1010: 32
JJROCKER: 1,048,576
joefarebrother: 8,388,608
jontmy00: 16,384
ka-doink4545o0- 134,217,728
kimmy123: 4,096
KyleK7: 524,288

Luxturna: 1,048,576
MaxFlyBoy: 64
maxskywalker: 33,554,432
mitchboy: 34,359,736,768
mythbusteranimator: 268,435,456
Nomolos: 16,777,216
Obsidiana: 32,768
parcheesidude: 512
PhirripSyrrip: 1,048,576

rdococ: 512
rontoking: 512
ROSman: 2,097,152
Sausagefanclub: 256
sanjayraj: 2,147,483,648
scimonster: 4,096
scratcher: 1,048,576
shpeters: 2,147,483,648
sj09: 256
sportsdude6: 524,288

TorbyFork234: 2,097,152
trinary: 1,073,741,824
whizzer: 262,144
wilsonville: 4,096
wolvesstar97: 65,536
Zoomreddin: 4,194,304

1. mitchboy- 34,359,736,768
2. 30-1, benjamin2, & Zoomreddin- 8,589,934,592
3. sanjayraj & shpeters- 2,147,483,648
4. 360-International & trinary- 1,073,741,824
5. mythbusteranimator- 268,435,456
6. bluecat600 & ka-doink4545o0- 134,217,728

7. maxskywalker- 33,554,432
8. jji10, joefarebrother, & Nomolos- 16,777,216
9. sportsdude6 & TorbyFork234- 2,097,152
10. JJROCKER, Luxturna, PhirripSyrrip, and scratcher- 1,048,576
11. CheeseMunchy, detective/bookworm, epicepicman, & KyleK7- 524,288
12. brinkbrink & whizzer- 262,144
13. coppearlix & wolvesstar97- 65,536
14. Obsidiana- 32,768
15. jontmy00 & jji7skyline- 16,384
16. berberberber- 8,192
17. kimmy123, scimonster, whizzer, & wilsonville- 4,096
18. cpumaster930- 2,048
19. azaquaz- 1,024
20. frishy, parcheesidude, rdococ, & rontoking- 512
21. coppearlix, Hardmath123, jji10, Sausagefanclub, & sj09- 256
22. CozyHut3- 128
23. humhumgames, & MaxFlyBoy- 64
24. chocolatepenguin & JH1010- 32

I'll start. Gamble: 1.

NEW RULE: You cannot bank if the current score is less than or equal to your current score. If you do, we will keep going.
I'm not going to be active anymore, I've lost interest and time to invest in this sort of thing.


I see the world inside of one...
I see the world inside of two...
I see the world inside of me...
I see the world inside of you...                                 ~ Policy Concept


I'm not going to be active anymore, I've lost interest and time to invest in this sort of thing.


[removed - offensive]


I'm not going to be active anymore, I've lost interest and time to invest in this sort of thing.


[removed - offensive]


I see the world inside of one...
I see the world inside of two...
I see the world inside of me...
I see the world inside of you...                                 ~ Policy Concept


I'm not going to be active anymore, I've lost interest and time to invest in this sort of thing.


I'm back. For now.


I'm not going to be active anymore, I've lost interest and time to invest in this sort of thing.


I see the world inside of one...
I see the world inside of two...
I see the world inside of me...
I see the world inside of you...                                 ~ Policy Concept


I'm not going to be active anymore, I've lost interest and time to invest in this sort of thing.


I'm back. For now.


What, why didn't we try and get 1st place? Bank instead of gamble, pah. You'll regret that sanjayraj! :P

EDIT: Zomg, I found these on the ground, I must have dropped them: ? !

Gamble: 2


I'm not going to be active anymore, I've lost interest and time to invest in this sort of thing.


Gamble 8
Edit: Man! Outposted!

I'm back. For now.


I see the world inside of one...
I see the world inside of two...
I see the world inside of me...
I see the world inside of you...                                 ~ Policy Concept